Hey Y'all,
Over the next couple of weeks I'm going to showcase a few women who are making there way as small business owners and doing it proudly. First I would like to spotlight a good friend of mine Gina DiMassi who parlayed her passion into her profession.
MrsDeveter: What is the name and focus of your business?

MrsDeveter:Prior to starting your business what was your 9-5?
Gina:I was a graphic
designer at Penguin Publishing designing children's books for many years
before I became a yoga teacher 5 years ago after the birth of my second
son. Yoga has been a passion and practice of mine for 10 years.
MrsDeveter: What made you venture out and become an entrepreneur?
Gina:I saw the need for a traditional yoga studio that was family friendly
because I was craving a larger community that my sons could be a part of
with me. There are many yoga studios out there but most of them do not
include babysitting and the local moms that I've met were all working
out at the gym for this reason alone. I knew how much yoga had helped me
get through the ups and downs of early motherhood and marriage so I
wanted to create a space where that supportive environment could
Gina: I am inspired daily by so many
things it's hard to keep track! My primary inspiration is Mother Nature,
I am always in awe of her power and beauty to create life, looking at
my kids every day and watching them grow and change is a big source
inspiration and motivation for me. My yoga teachers, in their many
shapes and forms, for their power to invoke in me the deep hunger for
peace in my heart.
MrsDeveter: As a business owner what is the one thing that keeps you up at night besides, turning a profit?
Gina:The urgent need to create
a community where I live to unite the growing population of people who
are committed to changing the way they live in this world.
Gina:Do Yoga! My practice has helped me stay grounded and focused on the
positive when things start to seem like they are spiraling out of
control or if I start to get worried about finances. Taking the time for
myself to get enough rest and eat healthy food and spend time with my
kids also helps me stay sharp and be the most productive.
The Bearfoot Yoga & Wellness Center will open the first week of May. Please check Gina out on Facebook and "Like" her and be sure to visit her site www.BearfootYogaCenter.com for updates on our progress and special pre-opening discounts.
Until next time...