Hey Y'all,
It has been ages since I've written a Twin Tuesday post.
I've been going through the blog and reading some of the past posts I've written about the twins and have smiled and teared up while reading them. Leah and Myles are now 4 years old and loving life. Leah is a dancer (her first recital is on Father's day) and Myles is a train/car aficionado. They are both growing up so nicely. Both funny and fun loving, however when it comes down to their father and I there is a double standard.
As you know I am currently a
SAHM (are you hiring) and I've been with them 24/7 for the past four months. My husband is self employed and is often home working in the office when he's not in the studio or traveling. We are making the best of this arrangement but... the twins have a double standard. When Daddy is on the phone everyone is quite and leaves him alone but when Mommy needs to make an important call I am needed. Doesn't matter if they want a drink, are done in the bathroom and needs assistance with wiping, wants a toy from the room I'm taking the call in etc. I am needed.
When a door is opened in our house it make a little ding sound to alert you that someone has gone out. Yesterday when I went into the garage to throw out some trash the alarm of course sounded. My daughter nearly had a breakdown (she wasn't by my side for the moment) "Daddy where is Mommy? Did she leave?" My son goes to the window to see if the car is gone. I went to sit in the dinning room and listened while they searched the house for me. Myles found me after about five minutes and accusued me of hiding from them. Now if my husband leaves the house they could care less. "Daddy's gone? Oh ok" and the questioning ends. Sometimes it feels good and others it's quite overwhelming. Why can't Mommy have a moment, an uninterrupted moment of course?
Since I've been home Leah has been connected to me by the hip. When I move she moves. Doesn't matter if I'm going to brush my teeth or cook dinner she is right there by my side. They don't do this to their father. Maybe they did when I wasn't around but now it seems that Mommy is the parent of choice. I know I should enjoy this because soon they won't want anything to do with me but, good gracious sometimes I need to be alone.

Are there any stay at home parents out there that can give me some advice on managing these two?
Until next time...