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Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentines Day

I have had the same Valentine for the past 21 years! The above song was written by him about us!
I have loved this man for over half my life and will continue to Live, Overjoyed & Victorious Everyday with him.

Happy Valentine's Day Baby

Until next time...

Monday, February 11, 2013

The Art of Deep Breathing

Hey Y'all,

Today started off on a not so good foot. I woke up tired, had an annoying commute and before I could get to my desk I received a rather disturbing call. All of the above were out of my control, I could feel this being an unhappy Monday. It happens to the best of us, and for me when I see my day heading in an unpleasant direction, I pause and say a prayer in hopes that things will get better. Something else I think I try to do is deep breathing exercises. I don't think however that I've been doing them right.

So I went on an online quest to get some direction on the proper way to deep breath and found some very good points from Women to Women

Simple deep breathing 
The most basic thing to remember is that your breath begins with a full exhalation (I know this seems counterintuitive, but it’s true). You can’t inhale fully until you empty your lungs completely. It is also important to breathe in through your nose.
Now try this: Sit in a comfortable position with your hands on your knees. Relax your shoulders. On your next exhalation, breathe out slowly through your nose, counting to five. Tense your abdominal muscles, drawing in your diaphragm to help your lungs deflate. At the bottom of your breath, pause for two counts, then inhale slowly to the count of five. Expand your belly as you breathe in. Now close your eyes and repeat 5–10 times. Think of your diaphragm as the pump and your breath as the power.
If you find that your mind wanders during this exercise, don’t worry. Just refocus on your counting. Some of my patients find it helpful to think of a happy color (like yellow) when they breathe in and a droopy color as they breathe out (like grey). As your awareness of your breath increases, you’ll find that it becomes easier to breathe deeply without so much attention.
The Bellows, or Fire Breath
Many forms of yoga begin with breathing techniques, or pranayama. Prana means ‘breath’ or ‘life force’ in Sanskrit. The bellows breath is a yogic exercise that stimulates energy when you need it, toning the abdomen and massaging the internal organs and lymph system. Though not deep breathing, the bellows does activate the lungs, neck, chest and abdomen so that deeper breathing comes more naturally.
Again, sit in a comfortable position. With your mouth closed, breath in and out through your nose as fast as possible. Think of pumping up a balloon or water toy. Try to breath in and out as equally as possible. Continue for 10–15 seconds, no more at first. As you become more accustomed to this technique you can increase the exercise to one full minute.
Three-part breathing
This yoga technique is very useful during times of stress, or at any time you need to relax. It is extremely relaxing and can be done before bed to assist with sleep issues.
Again, sit comfortably and close your eyes. With your mouth closed, exhale deeply through your nose. Imagine that you are pouring the breath out of a jug, starting at the top of your chest and moving down through your mid-torso and into your diaphragm. Pause for two counts at the bottom of the breath, then inhale through your nose. Refill the “jug” slowly, counting to five (or seven if you can make it). Start at the bottom, expanding your diaphragm and belly, then your mid-torso, and lastly the top of your chest and lungs. Pause for two counts and exhale as before. Repeat 5–10 times.
Until next time....

Thursday, February 7, 2013

National African American History Month 2013

Hey Folks,

Below you will find the Presidential Proclamation of National African American History Month. I realize that I'm 7 days late in sharing this proclamation but I'm not sure what I'll be doing to celebrate this month.... 
In America, we share a dream that lies at the heart of our founding:  that no matter who you are, no matter what you look like, no matter how modest your beginnings or the circumstances of your birth, you can make it if you try.  Yet, for many and for much of our Nation's history, that dream has gone unfulfilled. For African Americans, it was a dream denied until 150 years ago, when a great emancipator called for the end of slavery. It was a dream deferred less than 50 years ago, when a preacher spoke of justice and brotherhood from Lincoln's memorial.  This dream of equality and fairness has never come easily -- but it has always been sustained by the belief that in America, change is possible.

Today, because of that hope, coupled with the hard and painstaking labor of Americans sung and unsung, we live in a moment when the dream of equal opportunity is within reach for people of every color and creed.  National African American History Month is a time to tell those stories of freedom won and honor the individuals who wrote them.  We look back to the men and women who helped raise the pillars of democracy, even when the halls they built were not theirs to occupy.  We trace generations of African Americans, free and slave, who risked everything to realize their God-given rights.  We listen to the echoes of speeches and struggle that made our Nation stronger, and we hear again the thousands who sat in, stood up, and called out for equal treatment under the law.  And we see yesterday's visionaries in tomorrow's leaders, reminding us that while we have yet to reach the mountaintop, we cannot stop climbing.

Today, Dr. King, President Lincoln, and other shapers of our American story proudly watch over our National Mall.  But as we memorialize their extraordinary acts in statues and stone, let us not lose sight of the enduring truth that they were citizens first.  They spoke and marched and toiled and bled shoulder-to-shoulder with ordinary people who burned with the same hope for a brighter day.  That legacy is shared; that spirit is American.  And just as it guided us forward 150 years ago and 50 years ago, it guides us forward today.  So let us honor those who came before by striving toward their example, and let us follow in their footsteps toward the better future that is ours to claim.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim February 2013 as National African American History Month.  I call upon public officials, educators, librarians, and all the people of the United States to observe this month with appropriate programs, ceremonies, and activities.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this thirty-first day of January, in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-seventh.


Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Whatever Wednesday: The "Ladies" Room

Hey Folks,

Guys this one is for the Ladies ONLY

I currently work on Madison Avenue, which is a  rather up scale area of New York city. Our neighbors are Channel, Louis Vuitton, Miu Miu and Dior just to name a few. We are a few short blocks away from the beautiful grassy oasis Central Park. I've worked in Lower Manhattan where you'll find more trendy boutiques and artisty folks displaying their wears. One thing remains the same no matter what area of NYC I've worked in the 'ladies' room is the most disgusting place to visit.

I understand public restrooms in malls, parks and fast food restaurants being gross because they can see thousands of people in a days time. Why oh why are the rest room in corporate buildings so nasty? Why I ask, why don't people consider the person coming into the stall after them.  I have walked out of the ladies room and held my bladder because of some of the things I've seen in the stall, on the wall etc. just plain disgusting. I don't know when women became worse then men! Ladies... please for the sake of all of us take heed to the list below that I found on Yahoo! Voices titled Ladies Room Bring Glamour Back to the Bathroom.
It's perfect etiquette and it will help us all.

Clean Up Your Tinkle: If an accidental drip splashes anywhere other than inside the bowl, wipe it up. Please don't leave me to clean the seat when I'm about to burst at the seams. Blood, pee and poo are all disgusting to clean up, so just do it when it is moist and easily comes off.

Leave the Toilet Working: Do not dump a pad, tampon or the entire industrial roll of toilet paper into the bowl and make it impossible to use and requires a plumber to come out and fix. It isn't harmless fun, damages the toilet, the plumbing and hurts those women who really need to relieve themselves.

Wrap Your Pads and Tampons: Under no condition throw unwrapped pad into the garbage, unless the finished seat covers and toilet paper are gone. The next girl who has to reach into the garbage to throw away her waste doesn't want to palm rogue menstruation.

Pass the Toilet Paper: If when walking through the bathroom and a woman asks for toilet paper, take the time to find her some and pass it over. To ignore such a plea is a heartless act indeed.

It Stinks in Here: Yes it stinks in the bathroom, no reason to say it out loud. The person may be sitting, trying to finish up her bowel movement. She does not need to feel as if she is offending her bathroom mates because they are too idiotic to understand poop belongs in a toilet.

18 Paper Towels are not Necessary: There is no reason for any person to use 18 paper towels to dry their hands. Contrary to popular belief, one paper towel is adequate to dry both hands if done properly. If one is not enough, two will be adequate. After two paper towels you are just making a mess, increasing the cost for everyone, not caring for our environment and being wasteful.

In the Garbage, Not Near the Garbage: We all play bathroom basketball from time to time and we all miss a shot. When a shot is missed, it is the responsibility of the shooter to pick it up and slam dunk it into the can.

Personal Space in Line: It is just downright rude when in line to invade the personal space of another woman. She will move as soon as she is able, so back off. If bathroom is small or the entry is small, don't cram in the doorway. If people can't get out, it is not possible to get in, and the people crowding the door are just screwing themselves out of the opportunity to pee.

Don't Stand at the Sink: If a woman has just left the toilet, allow her to use the sink. If a freshen-up is necessary, stand to the side or behind her while she washes her hands and then return to your spot. Hand washing usually only takes a minute or two, it can wait.

None of these rules are major inconveniences to the person following them and none are useless. Give the other women who have to share the bathroom a break and be ladylike, at least in the bathroom.

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