Hey Y'all,
I haven't done a Five reasons why post in forever. Today's post is prompted by an article I read about yet another young person who took their life because of cyber bulling.
5 Reasons Why My Children Won't be on Facebook
(or any other social media site) Until 16+
I of course searched the net for legal reasons etc and found a great article on Your Sphere For Parents which lists Three Good Reasons Why Your Child Shouldn't Be on Facebook, which are privacy, inappropriate content, and COPPA which is an Internet privacy law called The Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act. COPPA, was put in place for a reason: to protect the personal information of children online. I work in advertising and clients were often upset that they couldn't target 13 year old girls for products they were trying to market to children. It's DANGEROUS to have young children on line point blank PERIOD!
Here are MrsDeveter's 5 reasons why my children won't be on Facebook (or any other social media site) are as follows.
- Sexual Predators - Men and women are still trolling the internet looking for willing participants to fulfill their sexual desires. They are seeking out unassuming young people who are clueless about their last history test so forget about someone making sexual advances on them. A 13 year old girl should NOT be posting pictures of herself in a bikini in the dressing room of Abercrombie and Fitch! I don't care if you are standing right there as she snaps the shot it just shouldn't be done. Pedophiles are real! They are abusing our children and many are causing parents like this mother to almost kill them. My children will not be put in a position where they are unsafe. So nope they won't be on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube or the like for a very long time.
- Cyber Bulling - It shouldn't be but it's REAL and most times it begins with a photo. Camera phones in my opinion are the WORST and best thing that ever happened to mobile devices. I am a picture taker. I find myself snapping shots on average five to six times a day, forget about if we are on an outing it's way more. Children however can find themselves in bad situations, post a picture of someone without their knowledge and shed a negative light on them. A young girl made a bad decision to participate in a end of summer party, got drunk, passed out and boys took advantage of her sexually. Pictures were posted to Facebook and the young woman took her life. Now there is a family without a child and some more parents who children have been charged with a crime. Don't get me wrong the girl could have still gone to the party, gotten drunk and been photographed without the use of social media. The fact is social media WAS used and her life was put on display for all to see. She felt degraded for something she couldn't even remember and ended her life because of the shame.