Hey Y'all:
A funny thing happened last night. Leah and Myles got a hold to a black sharpie! Now you all know that Myles is our Picasso in the making right? So you wanna know what happened?
He found a canvas and began to draw!
Fun times at my house. I didn't know that rubbing alcohol removes permanaent marker from the body (Thanks Aunt Kisha!)
Here is another twin story for your Tuesday!
On New Years day, hubby and I were lounging in the bed when Leah comes in the room, climbs on the bed and starts patting me; "mommy, mommy, mommy" I guess I didn't answer her fast enough so she got down from the bed went into her room and got a pamper. Came back and proceeded to pat and call me; "mommy, mommy, mommy." I saw the pamper and figured she needed to be changed (hince the reason why it's time for the potty.) I get out of the bed and follow her into Erick's room where Myles is sitting on the floor playing with a toy stinking up the room. My little girl hands me the pamper, points at her brother and says "Mywooooooos" (which is what she calls him). My baby girl was being the little mama that she is and letting me know that her brother needed to be changed!
What a wonderful journey I'm on!
Until next time...
Awww, I think if I ever get near your kids, I'm gonna eat'em up. They are too cute. And thanks for letting me know about the alcohol taking off permanent marks. Does that work only on people or anything????