Hey Y'all:
You might be wondering, why the radio silence from MrsDeveter this week? Well honey there has be A LOT going on. So here's a little bit of this and a little bit of that going on with me.
Monday was great... I came up with the idea to host Everyday Superstars which will highlight the lives of influential African American's in our community. My first Superstar is Ms K. O'Neal please check it out here. Be sure to send me your superstar to be profiled.
Monday was great... I came up with the idea to host Everyday Superstars which will highlight the lives of influential African American's in our community. My first Superstar is Ms K. O'Neal please check it out here. Be sure to send me your superstar to be profiled.
Tuesday started off great... and then we had a major issue. I always thought my first visit to the ER would be with one of my boys most likely Myles. Boy was I WRONG. While hanging out at their great grandmother's house Leah fell and hit the back of her head on the hard cement floor. I was sitting right there so I know there was no one to blame. She was screaming in pain, when I picked her up I rubbed her head and kissed her boo boo. I thought she just bumped it really hard UNTIL... I saw red! Ugh my baby girl had a gash the size of a thumb nail in the back of her pretty little head in the middle of a braid. I had to undo the braid to get to the gash and find out how deep it was. When I realized it would require stitches I freaked out. Didn't know how to find an urgent care center, couldn't remember who had the medical cards; I was just a mess. Thankfully my sister in law and grandmother were there to help me pull it together for Leah's sake. Long story short after stopping by an ER in the 'hood' that was packed with people; off to Long Island we went, where my little girl was taken care of. Three staples, a banana and cute little white teddy bear, a mother's resolve to forgo the cute little beads in Leah's hair later; we were headed back to great grandma's where Myles and Erick greeted their sister with hugs and kisses.
Wednesday started of pretty good... decided that I wanted to stay home and hang out with my little girl to make sure she was ok. I realized that she was fine when she yelled 'ohhhhh God' to Myles about something he had done. I ended the night with a rather heated discussion with my brother. We came to a conclusion that I think we are both satisfied with and are now moving forward.
Thursday was a great day... walked into my house after work and was greeting with the kids singing my name and Erick jumping up and down because it was bath night.
Today is Friday and I am so thankful... I'm planning for my trip to Disney's Dreamers Academy next week and can't wait to get to Orlando. Looks like I'm going to have some free time before my plane takes off to come back home on Valentines Day so I'm feeling like I might spend some quality MrsDeveter time hanging out with the Mouse!
Until next time...
I am so glad to hear your little girl is okay. Kisses and hugs to her and to you for being a brave Mommy. It's always scary when you have to take your child to the ER.