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Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Earth Day 2010

Hey Y'all:

I am not proud to say this but I haven't been very "Green" conscious. I try not to print as often and of course I recycle but I haven't fully taken on green living. In celebration and preparation for Earth Day 2010 which is next Thursday 4/22 (did you know that it's been 40 years since the first Earth Day?), I'm going to take a few steps in becoming a bit more Green.

Here are five easy thing I have in mind.

  1. Purchase a new DVD for the kiddies Wow Wow Wubbzy Goes Green
  2. Participate in an Earth Day Network Pledge
  3. Search Real Simple for ideas on reusing household items instead of throwing them away
  4. Take Action by signing the Climate Declaration. This declaration is demanding Congress to take responsibility and pass a comprehensive climate and clean energy bill to rebuild our economy, secure energy independence and address the climate crisis
  5. Spread the word
I think I complete all five of these takes in celebration of our Earth.

What will you do in celebration of Earth Day?

Until next time...

1 comment:

  1. That's awesome! Very motivating. I'm going to figure out what I can do, too!

    Winks & Smiles,
