Hey Y'all:
I took some time today to download the school calendar for the year and I'm a little perturbed. Why I ask do our children start school on a Wednesday and then they are off for Thursday and Friday? Is it me or is that just dumb? Why not just start school the first Monday after Labor Day and Rosh Hashanah?
Any who I think my kid is ready to get back to learning! Just about every morning the past couple of days he's been up at 6 a.m. and has seen me off to work. Of course he asks... "mommy do I go to school today?" I'm really hoping that he's ready for the 1st grade. I have so many mixed emotions about him starting the number grades. I'm excited, scared and relieved all at the same time. I'm confident that he's going to have a great year and I'm praying for a wonderful teacher who will help develop his skills and advance his reading skills. This year I have a few things I'm determined to do. Here's my list (y'all know I love lists right?)
- Become an active member of the PTA. I know this is going to be difficult with my work schedule but my children come first!
- Volunteer for class trips/projects. I didn't do this last year and I truly regret it. So this year I vow to attend as many of his class trips as I possibly can. His teach WILL know Erick's mom!
- Get to know more parents. My husband and I are very private people when it comes to certain things which caused us not to extend ourselves to others. This school year I plan to change that. Erick doesn't have any friends in the neighborhood and I think that's our fault.
- Keep to the schedule. My beautiful friend printed a morning routine check list from PBS Kids and I am going to put it on Erick's wall and make sure we adhere to it. We are also going to get our bedtime routine down. No more Nick Jr. after 9:00 pm (oh the twins aren't going to like me)
- Create Chores. Now that he's headed to the 1st grade I think it's time for my little man to hold his own. Not sure what I'll have him do (he already cleans his room I'm thinking something more communal) but I think it's time he learns and I might just add allowance to the game.
How's your new school year shaping up?
Until next time...
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