Well, I am according to my superhero children. Thanks to my husband and my mother my children are REALLY into superhero's specifically the members of the Justice League. During the summer my mother even made the kids capes out of left over curtain material!
Here is the break down. I am Wonder Woman, Hubby is The Green Lantern, Erick is Superman, Leah is Hawk Girl and Myles is Batman. When episodes of the Justice League come on (yes we own every season on DVD) the funniest thing is watching the three of them walk toward the television in slow motion totally in character!
For Halloween - although we don't celebrate - a quarter of the League will be in character for his school parade. I think however that I am reconsidering this and will start the search for my Wonder Woman costume, well at the least I'm going to hook myself up with a cape!
I deserve it right?
I mean I am a full time working mom of three, wife of a talented musician, oldest sister of 9, devoted daughter, friend and mommy blogger just to name a few. I make the bacon, fry it in the pan and serve it on the good plates (ok the blue Ikea plates but they are glass). I want a cape! I've always loved Wonder Woman... she wears the coolest bracelets (as do I), she is always praying to her god for help, (as am I) and she is the only woman in the crew who is totally in control and telling the men what to do (as do I!) So ummmm where do I get my cape?
What are your plans for Halloween?
Until next time...