Hey Y'all:
Welcome to 2011! I won't do the whole "this is my year, I'm going to do great things" bit although I totally believe that this IS my year and I AM going to do great things this year. However that's not what this post is about at all.
Just in case you haven't turned on the news over the past week or so you may have missed that the northeast was given a special after Christmas/Kwanzaa treat... more then 20 inches of white powdery snow.
While it was coming down it was beautiful, especially since I was home warm in my pjs watching it fall. The following day however it wasn't as pretty and it was a nightmare to navigate through the streets of New York cities outer boroughs. Thankfully I didn't have to worry about going to work the day after the storm but I did venture out two days later and my oh my did I regret it.
My commute to work took 2 hours longer then normal but my trip home was an even more joyous adventure; I had to walk 2.5 miles home from the train station! I'd like to take this time to thank all the property owners who shovel in front of their homes and business. It makes a huge difference to those on feet and not wheels. I walked because the bus wasn't moving and my patience for crowded buses is quite limited. I can't take the folks who have loud conversations on the phone, people who insist on cursing the driver like the traffic/snow is their fault and I especially have no patience for ignorant people who play their music on their mobile phone without using their earphones! If you follow me on Twitter you can attest to the fact that those are just a few of my public transportation pet peeves.
While I walked I had a chance to get in touch with myself again; which I try to do at the end of every year but my quite time has been limited lately. During this forced walk I had a moment to appreciate me! I learned a couple things about myself during my snowy commute -- I am very determined women. When I realized that I wasn't going to catch a bus I didn't freak out I just started walking and slowed down for a change. I realized that I have great balance! I am a little over weight but I impressed myself by not falling in the snow! I self entertain well! Now I know where my children get it from; during my walk I sung a few songs to myself and played a couple games to keep me focused on making it home without loosing it. When I'm quite I pray; I thought of all my blessings in 2010 and had a chance to reflect on how good God has been to my family. My walk was like a breath of fresh air, the temperature outside was nice and hearing my feet crush the snow was oddly comforting.
I think we all should take self reflective walks every now and then, especially those of us who work outside of the home and are on strict schedules. Quite time is valuable time.
Happy New Year everyone, all the best to you and yours during this new year.
Until next time...
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