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Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Women In Ministry: Pastor Margaret Hodges

Senior Pastor Margaret A. Jamison Hodges
Greater St. Paul Healing & Deliverance
International Worship Center
Brooklyn, New York

Stats: Senior Pastor Margaret Hodges, is a servant at heart. During her Christian walk she has served as Usher, Sunday School Teacher, Deaconess, Y.P.H.A. President for 19½ years, Pastor’s Aide Member, Director of the Outreach Ministry, and Choir Chaplain before accepting the call to shepherd God’s people. In the early 1970's Pastor Hodges was invited to service at St. Paul United Church of God; it was there that she met the woman who God used to bring change to her life – the late Senior Pastor Ernestine M. Shiver. who was an anointed woman of class, character, charm and dignity. She ministered a word of healing that told Margaret to rise from the ashes of defeat, to forget those things that are behind, and reach forth to the things that were before her. Pastor E.M. Shiver ministered to the person that was locked inside of Margaret. Pastor Shiver became the friend and mother Margaret needed by encouraging her and imparting spiritual gifts into her life through the laying on of hands. Margaret was the first soul of many birthed into the ministry because Pastor Shiver was willing to obey the voice of the Lord.Remembering the first time Pastor Shiver shared with Margaret the plan of becoming a pastor, she said, “Not me, you mean someone else.” Even when she was to preach the word, she was not so willing to do so and Pastor Shiver would say, “When the Lord gets through with you, you’ll be glad to say yes.”

By the leading of the Lord, Pastor Hodges stepped out on faith and launched across international waters in 2001 to found Ministry Without Walls in Jamaica, West Indies. After much prayer and fasting, she has humbly accepted the apostolic call on her life and is anticipating the increase of the international ministry in London, Honduras, Africa, Panama, Puerto Rico and Chile.

Today, Senior Pastor Margaret A. Hodges confidently carries the apostolic anointing and operates in the five-fold ministry. She is a preacher, teacher, prophet, evangelist and shepherd after God’s own heart. She has grown strong, bold and courageous in the Lord, and is determined to do His will in spite of the enemy’s plan.

In her own words:
“I thank God for the confidence that He has given me, for He is a shoulder that I can lean on without reservation, and arms that can embrace me when I need to be encouraged in this Christian walk. Today, I can stand and be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. The adoption of love has caused me to rise from the ashes to fulfill destiny and follow the instructions the Lord gave to Pastor E.M. Shiver concerning my life.”

Family Life: Pastor Hodges is married to Overseer Stanley F. Hodges, Jr. and is the proud mother of Curtis, Shalese, Yolanda, Christopher, Melissa and Michael. She is the grandmother of Kayla, Chez, Joshua, Jianna, Bijean, Hope, Ethan, Elynn, Michael, Jr. and Miracle.


Greater St. Paul H.D.I.W.C.
Rev. Stanley F. Hodges Jr., Overseer & Rev. Margaret A. Hodges, Senior Pastor

9AM Prayer
10AM Sunday School
12 Noon Worship
6PM Evening Worship

5:30AM Prayer
6:45PM Bible Class
8:15PM Evangelistic Service

12 Noon Children's Praise Dance Rehearsal
2:00PM Children's Choir Rehearsal
6:00PM Youth Church (2nd & 4th Sat.)

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