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Monday, August 20, 2012

Keurig Vue HouseParty!

Hey Y'all,

I applied to host yet another house party on! I really hope I'm picked for this one! It's a Keurig Vue house party.
I am a coffee drinker.
My husband often accuses me of being addicted, I of course deny that but I have to face the facts I just might be a little addicted; just a little. I enjoy my morning cup and would go out of my way to get a good cup from the right Dunkin' Donuts (you know all of them don't make it just right) I look forward to the holidays because i know someone is bound to buy me a Starbucks gift card and yes, the mug I use at home is well.... LARGE.

I applied to host the Keurig party because I love the convenience of  the K-Cup. I am the only person in my family who drinks coffee so it can be annoying to make an entire pot if I'm only going to be around to drink one cup, and who brews only one cup of coffee in a traditional maker? If I'm picked to host the party my guests won't only be treated to great cups of coffee and my cousins Kendall's moist and delicious chocolate cake  but they'd be treated to a showing of my line of crocheted earrings, receive awesome gifts and the pleasure of being in my presence for 3 hours what more could they want?

They asked us to write a top 10 list of ways we'd honor our Keurig if given one and here's mine...
I don't own a Keurig system but here's my top 10 ways I'd honor my Keurig 1. It would have a special place in my kitchen away from the stove so it never gets splattered but close to the sink so it can always be wiped clean. 2. I would try out ALL of the k-cups. Variety is the spice of life! 3. I would use it for breakfast and after dinner coffee 4. I would buy take out cups so I can brew and go 5. I would be the only one in my house to use it so it's never mistreated 6. I would treat the crossing guards on my street to a cup every Tuesday morning 7. I would name my Keurig, and call it that name every time I use it 8. I would host parties in it's honor 9. I would sing "you are my sunshine" to it while it brews my morning cup 10. I would blog about it every Friday morning so folks know it's one of my prized possessions. 

Here is the video I posted hopefully I'll be one of the 2000 applicants who'll win.

Until next time (wish me luck)

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

YouTube The New School!

Hey Y'all,

We ALL use it. To listen to music, watch tv shows, movies and trailers, upload video, confirm rumors, laugh at the antics of others etc. We all use YouTube for some reason or another. According to their press area YouTube boasts the following...


  • Over 800 million unique users visit YouTube each month
  • Over 3 billion hours of video are watched each month on YouTube
  • 72 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every minute
  • 70% of YouTube traffic comes from outside the US
  • YouTube is localized in 43 countries and across 60 languages
  • In 2011, YouTube had more than 1 trillion views or around 140 views for every person on Earth
  • Millions of subscriptions happen each day. Subscriptions allow you to connect with someone you're interested in — whether it's a friend, or the NBA — and keep up on their activity on the site
YouTube is a part of our everyday life, for me it provides continuing education. As I shared yesterday my new business Leah Simone Designs which features hand made crochet items for mom and child, from blankets to crochet jewelry we create it all and none of this would have been possible without the help of YouTube. 

Monday, August 13, 2012

Leah Simone Designs - The Beginning

Hey Y'all,

I haven't posted a blog in a while. I'm not going to waste time talking about why but I will say I've been BUSY and surprisingly enough it wasn't because of the kids. Yes, mommy school has been in full swing and they've been out of town for a little while with Nana but I've been busy starting a new business! During the summer I typically wear my hair braided because it's easier to manage. So at the beginning of this summer I was going about my usual 5 hour routine of sitting in the African Hair braiding salon getting my box braids done. I brought along the typical fair to get me through the process, a book some eats and this time yarn and crochet hooks. I was attempting to reintroduce myself to the craft of crocheting. I've known how to crochet for quite some time and had actually just made a rather pretty blanket for my sisters baby shower. This particular day I was trying my hand at a new stitch and had no idea what I was doing.

Well while attempting my project I noticed a woman who was also crocheting but she was making a five point star blanket! It was beautiful and I was mesmerized. She was kind enough to ask me what I was making. When she looked at my project she shook her head and asked what I was trying to make. I laughed and a conversation started.

Fast forward four months and I'd like to introduce you to Leah Simone Designs where we feature hand made crochet items from star shaped baby blankets to amazing earrings. Leah Simone Designs are the must have crochet accessory for mommy or baby! ! Not only did I learn how to make a five star blanket but I also know how to make a six star blanket, booties, beanie caps, pocketbooks for children and adults just to name a few items. Leah Simone Designs (named after my daughter) is my new passion. Since I've been unemployed I've been trying to figure out how I can make some extra money and who knew that the gift was right on my finger tips. Please check out and like my fan page on facebook and place an order. If you are looking for a quick fix buy some earrings. If you need a baby gift order a blanket. I promise that you won't be disappointed.

Until next time...