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Monday, March 25, 2013

21st Century Heroes: Dr. Yvonne Noel

Hey y'all,

I have found that there are three services that as I woman and DREAD having to change when I relocate.

  1. Hairdresser - it's been over 10 years and I still can't find one that I love as much as Linda from my old spot in Brooklyn on Nostrand Ave!
  2. Dentist - I have been with the same dentist for the past 16 years!!! We've been together through 4 jobs and 2 pregnancies. If my health insurance doesn't cover him I'm willing to go out of network and pay the difference. I don't want just any ole body digging in my mouth.
  3. OBGYN - I don't know about you but finding the right Gynecologist is like finding the right man. Everybody can't be down there handling my stuff!!!!
For that reason today's 21st Century Hero is my former Gynecologist Dr. Yvonne Noel. Prior to meeting Dr. Noel (who was recommended by a dear friend, usually how those things happen) I experienced 4 miscarriages and painfully heavy monthly cycles, due to uterine fibroid's.  It is because of God first and Dr. Noel that my husband and I are now the proud three beautiful children.

Dr. Yvonne Noel is an expert in identifying fibroid's and 'killing' them!  In 2003 she did a major operation on me that removed 14 fibroid's from my womb.She was gentle and patient. I remember prior to the myometomy as I was being prepped for surgery, she came in to say hello and encourage me. As she was walking out she kissed me on my forehand to confirm that everything would be fine.  Following the myometomy I was able to conceive and carry a pregnancy full term. She delivered my baby boy who was perfect! When I found out I was pregnant with the twins and went to the office to learn that she was no longer delivering babies I cried!

Dr. Yvonne Noel  is my 21st Century Hero.

Until next time...

I'm Just Saying....

Hey Folks,

I took a moment today to read through some of my blog posts and I just waned to write something to say thank you to those of you who read what I post. I realize that sometimes I take long breaks but writing this blog has been therapeutic for me in so many ways. I don't know if it's helped anyone. I do pray that it's made someone think, reflect and laugh. My life's journey has had and continues to have it's ups and downs but I wouldn't trade the life that I've been given for anything in this world.

My family, my friends all make my journey worth living. I have experienced some rather difficult things in the past five years since the beginning of this blog but I keep moving on because I know their is great purpose for my life. I know that someone will one day read what I've written about my children, that will cause them to love theirs more. I know that one day someone will read about my marriage and continue to keep hope alive for their marriage. I know that all things work together for the Good of them that love the Lord and are called according to his purpose! I know that I'm more than an conqueror and I know that I'm a winner! No matter what may be going on in  your life today be encouraged.... what you are going through may not be for you but for someone else who's looking at your life.

Live your best life and never give up.

Until next time...

Thursday, March 14, 2013

21st Century Heroes: My Fitness Mavens

Hey Y'all,

Everyday that I look at my Facebook timeline I see an encouraging note or picture regarding weight loss. My Fitness Inspiration comes from two women, one that I've known since college and one that I've known for a short time but am no less inspired by. I consider these two women below my 21st Century Fitness Heroes.

Christina McSwain is a beautiful soprano who stands in front of my church every Sunday belting out  songs, leading the congregation  in Worship and Praise.  Although I haven't known Christina for long she is one of the young ladies who has charged my desire to get in shape. As you can tell from her before and present picture she is working hard to keep her body, not just in shape but healthy. She exercises on a daily bases and has even been interviewed by ABC 7 News about her weight loss journey and her use of Social networks to keep her accountable. One post on her Facebook wall gave me pause and that is what I'd like to share as an example of why shes a 21st Century Hero this Women's History Month. She lives life to the fullest and embraces each day as a gift.

Ms Treya Lynch is my fitness icon!!! I've known Treya for 15  years (yes that long sweetie). We attended the same college. I am older than her but I admire her tenacity, will power and desire to succeed. Her Instagram posts are the ones that I enjoy seeing everyday. She posts inspirational says, work out photos, images of healthy meals she prepares for her honey and herself and before and after pictures of her body. Not only is she a fitness maven but she's also incredibly talented. She is a student development specialist at a college in NJ,  a wonderful healthy cook, she creates some of the coolest blinged out cellphone and ipad cases I've ever seen AND she is a certified makeup artist! The faces she has done are amazing. This is a picture of Treya's before midway and present self! Isn't she beautiful?

Healthy living is a state of mind and both of these ladies take it seriously. Through their social media posts I have been inspired and decided that I'm going to do what needs to be done to get in shape. I'm taking it one day at a time and relishing in the fact that I have young women like them as role models. They are today's 21st Century Heroes.

Until next time...

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

21st Century Heroes: Tara Pringle Jefferson

Hey y'all,

Tara Pringle Jefferson  is an inspiration to me and should be to any mother young or old out there. I had the pleasure of meeting her at Disney World in 2009 while attending a Mommy blogger conference, she is one of the women who introduced and encouraged me to blog!

Tara is a "Midwestern Mama of two with a background in journalism and public relations. She is currently a a work-at-home self-employed woman who enjoys the fact that she has a career that didn't exist 10 years ago."

Tara is a blogger, author, freelance writer, copywriter and public relations consultant. She specializes in social media strategy and nonprofit communications (take a breath there is more) she is a graduate student, does speaking engagements regarding teen parenting/pregnancy, contributes articles for and other parenting outlets. Oh yeah she's a wife and daughter too!

Tara Pringle Jefferson  is truly a 21st Century Hero.
Her blog has an amazing mission that I encourage all mom's to connect with. In this very judgmental society we live in the YML provides young moms a voice, a place to feel like they belong. It is where Tara shares her young mom journey, it is a website designed to help young mothers everywhere make informed decisions about: Their relationships, Their education, Their career and Their parenting style. I am inspired by Tara. Please follow her blog and Like her Facebook page and I guarantee you'll be inspired too.

Until next time...

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

21st Century Heroes - Grandma Mudd

Hey Folks,

Growing up my favorite super hero's were girls. I like the guys but I could better identify with Wonder Woman, Shera and even Xena Warrior Princess.  They exuded femininity, but were strong and always battle ready. This month for Women's History Month I am going to salute a few 21st Century Heroins women who are always battle ready regardless of what the issue is, raising children, fighting for causes etc. These women are my heroes.

My Godmother wrote a beautiful post about her mom a few weeks ago and that is how I'm going to start this series.

Photo: Sitting by Lake Michigan praising God for :his grace.Portrait of a General, Born into the Great Depression, married at 17 on a lonely road, fleeing an abusive father, married an abusive spouse, picked cotton for 4 cents a lb to feed 11 children, all graduated HS, most from college. She got her GED at 48, widowed at 54, suffered a stroke and fully recovered, then enrolled in Howard U, became a licensed minister, traveled the next 10 years with me, accepted into Spelman at 73, received the Possible Woman Scholarship at 74, house burned at 75, and while battling back from cancer at 77, she voted for the lst AA President. At 82...she rises to prayer...Need I look any further for a shero? PTL!

Written by Apostle Doris Wellington March 2, 2013

Until next time...

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Twin Tuesday: Dance Fever

Hey Y'all,

I worked from home one day and had the pleasure of catching these two dancing. I cannot believe that in less then a month my babies will be 5 years old! Check out their dance moves.

Until next time...

Monday, March 4, 2013

Happy Women's History Month

Hey Y'all,

I know it's been a while but I wasn't inspired to post anything over the past couple of weeks. Lots going on and even more on my mind. Through it all however God has been so good to me!

This month in honor of Women's History Month I would like to pay tribute to some Shero's women who have impacted the lives of their families and others. Women who have show them selves mighty and strong. I was inspired to make this my theme because of a beautiful facebook post my Godmother wrote about her mom.

Happy Women's History Month. I hope you come back and read my posts.

Until next time...