Hey Folks,
I took a moment today to read through some of my blog posts and I just waned to write something to say thank you to those of you who read what I post. I realize that sometimes I take long breaks but writing this blog has been therapeutic for me in so many ways. I don't know if it's helped anyone. I do pray that it's made someone think, reflect and laugh. My life's journey has had and continues to have it's ups and downs but I wouldn't trade the life that I've been given for anything in this world.
My family, my friends all make my journey worth living. I have experienced some rather difficult things in the past five years since the beginning of this blog but I keep moving on because I know their is great purpose for my life. I know that someone will one day read what I've written about my children, that will cause them to love theirs more. I know that one day someone will read about my marriage and continue to keep hope alive for their marriage. I know that all things work together for the Good of them that love the Lord and are called according to his purpose! I know that I'm more than an conqueror and I know that I'm a winner! No matter what may be going on in your life today be encouraged.... what you are going through may not be for you but for someone else who's looking at your life.
Live your best life and never give up.
Until next time...
Wow, has it been 5 years??? I took a hiatus for about 3 years and now finding my way back. I'm glad to see you are still going strong. I look forward to keeping up with you again. Here's hoping our paths cross again soon.