Hey Y'all:
I'm so excited!
My mother is coming into town for Thanksgiving! My mom is my best friend (next to my husband of course) we speak on the phone EVERY day and have so much in common. When she decided to move to NC two years ago I was heart broken. She's getting up in age and wanted a slower pace then NY. I totally understood but it's heard not being able to see her when ever I want.
She'll be here tomorrow! I can't wait to hug her and sit and talk, watch my kids love on her and get my cooking course as she stuffs the turkey. My mother is patient, kind and loving. She is the mother of eight and mastered loving each of her children individually. When I grow up I want to be just like her!
I want to teach my children to be outstanding citizens, and the importance of being honest and loyal. I want to honor God with my life and proclaim His goodness to all that will hear. I want to be like Marian Bennett...
I'm counting down until tomorrow evening! My Mommy will be in town!
Until next time...
Awwwww, that was so sweet. I love when a girl can call her mother her best friend. I hope you both have the most wonderful time in the world. Happy Thanksgiving my friend.