Hey Y'all:
Top 5 Reasons Why...
Mommy should check her purse, briefcase and pockets before she heads out the door.
- You might find the pacifier you were looking for all night long.
- Kids love to leave you presents, however mistaking your huge purse for the garbage is no fun - it won't look good pulling out a dirty diaper instead of your makeup case!
- When reaching in your pocket to pull out some change to pay for your newspaper; it's not a good look to hand the man two quarters and a handful of Cheerios.
- Thomas and Friends (you know the tank engine) should not cause you to be searched because the medal detector went off when you were reporting to jury duty.
- When asked for a piece of tissue or napkin by a co-worker it's never cool to pull out the snotty tissue you used to wipe Erick's nose; tear off the corner where you think the snot is, and then pass it on... saying "this side is clean go ahead use it"
Today I found one of the twins pacifiers in my pocket and a bottle of children's cough medicine that I purchased last night and apparently forgot to take out of my bag.
Hey Mommy, what's in your purse????
Until next time...
Girl, #5 has me on the floor cracking up. You are crazy. I'm sure non on this happens to you.