Hey Y'all:
This Christmas Miss Leah received her first baby doll and carriage. Her dad stared at her in awe because he couldn't believe that his 20 month old daughter knew what to do with a baby doll. Is it just maternal instinct he kept asking me? Of course it is I told him, mommy's just know how to handle their babies! Even at 20 months old. Leah's doll says, mama, papa, bye bye, it snores and it cries. The boys are typical boys! Erick wants to play football with the doll and Myles wants to sit in the carriage.
If Leah is not near her doll and hears her make noise, she immediately stops what she's doing and goes to find out what's going on. The cutest thing is watching her console her doll! She's a little mama and it's too cute.
Watching my little girl with her doll made me think of all the women out there who are childless, going through every procedure known to man to conceive. Although I know first hand how it feels to want an child and not be able to have one, I want you to know that there is an alternative.
If you are a woman and you have a hunger to be a mom; please consider adoption. Think about becoming an adoptive mother to a child who needs you, there are so many little ones out there that can benefit from your love and attention. I know they can not replace the joy you will feel while caring a child in your womb beneath your heart, but I believe that when you take in a child that is in need of your heart, a serious void will be filled!
Check out a couple of my past posts on foster/adoptive care and do your research. Your little one is out there waiting for you.
Adopt Us Kids
Foster Care
Ways to Help
Until next time...
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