Hey Y'all:
As a mom I ask myself this question all the time. How many skittles or M&M's do they really need? How long should I allow them to watch television? How old should they be before I buy them a cell phone? How much is too much, how soon is too soon? When is it enough?
I wonder how many parents truly question how much or when is it enough? I asked this question again recently when I saw pictures of Willow Smith on the red carpet for her big brother's movie premier. This very pretty and I'm sure gifted little girl is now sporting a Mohawk, she's 10 years old. I totally agree that we should allow our children creative expression, picking out their own clothes every now and then (only but so many times you want him to wear the to small superman tee shirt out in public... and the tutu should only be reserved for SOME occasions) but at 10 years old a drastic hair do that will take a long time to grow in, in my book is way to much.
I ask when is it too much or how much is enough because if you allow a 10 year old to shave their heads they'll want a tattoo at 13 then a brand new car at 14, credit cards but no job at 15 and so forth. Once they have received all of the items that teenagers and young adults should receive what do they have to look forward to?
I'm against children being skipped in school for this same reason, I feel they will reach their plateau way to early in life; by the time they are 18 they have experienced more life then a 30 year old. When they are finally fully grown they will try to recapture their youth. Look at poor Lindsay Lohan and so many of the other young stars who have lived so much life in such short periods of time. Now as adults they are making life altering decisions that won't get them a slap on the wrist but time in jail. I'm fearful for these children who are treated as adults way to soon.
So I ask you how much is enough? When is it too much?
Until next time...
It's certainly not a look for a 10 year old. I don't like it and Jada needs to say "No". There's many other creative ways that girls can express themselves but this is too over the top and she will not be setting any trends in my household.