Hey Y'all:
Sorry I've been MIA but my brain was in need of a break! I'm back and have plenty to share.
Last night by beautiful big boy kissed me every so gently on my cheek and then my arm and said "Mommy I love you. You are my girlfriend."
"I love you to but I'm not your girlfriend, I'm your mommy" I replied
"You can be my Mommy and girlfriend" he said
"No, I can only be your Mommy because I'm Daddy's wife " I reasoned. "I love you very much because you are my son but I can't be your girlfriend"
He didn't say much about it after that response but it got me to thinking. Mother's are a sons first love. His relationship with any women will be defined by the relationship he has with his mother. If Mommy is affectionate and loving toward her son she's teaching him how a woman should treat him. If she is rough and unyielding, that is what he will come to expect out of relationships with other women.
I pray that Erick and Myles will continue to think of me as their 'girlfriend' that way I won't have to 'dress down' the little girls they bring home for me to meet in the near future. I'll be the only example they'll ever have of a woman; giving them ability to know exactly what they want, need and deserve in a woman. A woman like me!
Until next time...
That is so true. Sorry I didn't get to you last night. Took some benadryl and went to sleep. But yes, we are our sons first loves.