Hey Y'all:
Welcome to the latest edition of Adoption Wednesday. Over the next few weeks I'll be featuring a question and answer series with my siblings.
Today you'll be hearing from Vanessa the third child my mother adopted and my first baby sister. Vanessa is the mother of two little boys and is a fabulous dancer. As a young girl she was a member of a Praise Dance group with the rest of my little sisters called "Divine P
urpose" she was truly a cut above the rest. When I went to see Alvin Alley perform earlier this year I wished she would have continued dances, she was just that good!

When did you realize that you were adopted and how did it feel knowing that you were?
I realized I was adopted about the age of 7 or 8 yrs old.Truthfully I didn't know how to feel about it.I had a big family & was taken care of & that's all that mattered.
As a mother what is your description of a mother’s love?
In my opinion a mothers love is true devotion,much sacrifice,unselfishness,patience & endless forgiveness.
If you could ask your biological parents one thing what would it be?
I would ask them "Why were they so selfish?". In my case I was left in a hospital with no identification(just abandoned),with strangers to determine my fate/future.Its mind_bottling to me.
Would you ever adopt a child? Why/Why Not?
Of course I would adopt.I feel every child needs love and someone to count on and love them.Just to give someone the opportunity I was granted would be awesome!
If you could grant one wish in the world who would it be to and what would it be?
If I could grant a wish it would be to my MOTHER Marian Bennett,and it would be that for once in her life she didn't have to worry or take care of anyone but herself.Her whole life has been dedicated to her loved ones.I would just make sure she travels and sees everything life really has to offer and what she has to offer the world.I just want to see her satisfy all those personal desires/goals! That would be my ultimate wish!
Thanks Sis for sharing.
Until next time...
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