I've been trying to figure out what I didn't want to do for the Fourth of July and came up with a list thinks NOT to do and I thought I should share them with you!
#1 Do not stay indoors - It's Independence Day why in the world would you want to stay inside? Find something fun to do and go OUT!
#2 Do not forgo the SPF - When you head outside make sure you slather yourself and the kiddies with plenty of skin protection.

#3 Do not forget to get wet! Pool, beach, sprinklers, hydrant or water hose it doesn't matter, it's going to be hot out there get soaking WET!
#4 Do not go through the drive through - Somebody you know is having a BBQ, drop by the grocery store get some soda, water and treats and surprise your family/friends with your presence. No need to give Mickey D's or Subway any of your cash!
#5 Do not be quiet - Independence Day is a day to celebrate. Think about how far you've come as an individual and we have come as a nation and celebrate your independence and do it LOUD!
#6 Do not light your own fireworks - This is dangerous - According to the U.S. fire administration, U.S. hospital emergency rooms treated an estimated 7,000 people for fireworks-related injuries during 2008. Of these injuries, 70 percent occurred between June 20 and July 20 - There are firework displays in just about every American city or just watch the Macy's Fireworks on T.V. BE SAFE!
#7 Do not drink and drive - PERIOD nothing more to say on that!
#8 Do not get stuck in traffic - if you are traveling on the highways or even by public transportation be sure to plan accordingly. Don't waste precious time stuck on the road
#9 Do not go empty handed - If you are going with #4 please listen to the rules make sure you bring something to the BBQ
#10 Do not forget to HAVE FUN!!!! Whatever you do this Fourth of July remember to enjoy yourself and your family. Independence Day is about celebrating so have plenty of safe fun!
Until next time...
I agree with all 10. Have a great celebration