Hey Y'all:
Recently I have had two distinct experiences on facebook that caused me to pause. The first one was a co-worker finding out about her deceased grandmother via facebook chat, the second was a former co- working asking if I was pregnant based on a picture I uploaded. Both of these in my opinion were out of order!
How in the world do you think it’s OK to tell someone that their grandmother has passed via a social network? Sure you can do it with a celebrity, old classmate or even ex-lover but your biological grandmother? I mean really people; what’s wrong with picking up the phone and sharing this information. I would even settle for a text message but a facebook chat??? Unreal!
So here is MrsDeveter’s list of things you shouldn’t say, share, post or ask on social networks which include but are not limited to - facebook, twitter, myspace, blackplanet, Google+, linkedin and foursquare
10. Are you pregnant? – first of all… if you are my friend on facebook and you haven’t seen me post anything in my status about being pregnant; nine times out of ten that picture that you saw of me must not have been a flattering one and made my belly look a lot bigger than normal. However this does not give you free range to ask me if I’m with child – in the comments section of the darn picture where EVERYONE can see. Asking a woman if she is pregnant is rude and inappropriate and quite frankly (as the receiver) quite hurtful.
9. Any content related to sex. No one wants to hear how good or bad your partner is in bed. It’s none of our business and you should be ashamed sharing it! These celebrities who are constantly putting their bedroom antics out in the public are wrong people don’t follow in their misguided footsteps.
8. Birth Photos. Yes we want to see the baby but not when they are making their way out of the womb! You may be the proud parent but most of us are completely grossed out seeing the birthing process. Keep the process to yourself and share the cleaned up photo of your precious little bundle.
7. I hate you. Never share your breakups, arguments or any negative content on social sites. If you are an adult act like one! I was involved in a facebook conflict with a family member and quickly unfriended the person – picked up the phone to continue our dispute. Social networks are visited by to many people (potential employers, current employers, spiritual leaders, your children etc) it really isn’t a good look to air your dirty laundry on them.
6. Anything abuse related. Parents we are all tasked with disciplining our children; however the world does not need to know what you did to Johnny when he stuffed the entire roll of toilet paper down the toilet causing a major backup and flooding the entire bathroom. I know what I would do but I don’t think the powers that be should hear about your methods of discipline. I’m just saying…