Today is a very special day. It is the day of the birth of my mother Marian Bennett!
She is a jewel
a treasure
a friend
an inspiration
an encourage-r
a prayer warrior/partner
a confidant
a cheerleader
My Mommy!

Yup I still call her Mommy.
So what I'm 38 years old.
She'll forever be my Mommy, not Mom, not Mother, not Ma. Mommy!
Marian Bennett is a true Brooklyn Knight! She was born and raised in East NY Brooklyn and although she now reps Raleigh NC she will forever be a street wise Brooklyn Knight. She raised my 4 brothers and 4 sisters and I as a single parent and she did everything within her power to make us God fearing citizens of the world.
My Mommy is the oldest of 19 children (11 survived, 5 of which she raised). She didn't have the best of everything and was unable to finish college because of her responsibilities to her family. She never married but adopted 8 children that she knew was in need. She doesn't own a big fancy house but will open her doors to anyone who needs food and shelter. She doesn't drive a top of the line vehicle but she'll give you a ride to Walmart any time day or night and not ask for a cent. My Mommy is a true woman of God.
My Mommy is an inspiration to any and everyone she meets.
My Mommy is 67 years young today and I'm forever grateful for her life. She doesn't move as fast as she used to, she doesn't have that soft plumpness of her 50's either. She seems a little smaller to me now that I'm grown with children of my own but she's my Mommy and I'm so glad that she is. If only I could be half the mother that she is I'll be satisfied with my life.
Happy Birthday Mommy and Many Many More!!!!
Until next time...
Happy Birthday Mom. God Bless you on this your special day.