my children! I never knew that I could miss them as much as I do right now. My babies have been in NC with my mother for the bulk of the summer, which was a well deserved break for my husband and I but Lord knows that I didn't realize how much I would miss their little faces.
I miss their voices and foot steps running down the hall
I miss their greetings when I walk in the door
I miss their smell after a long day in the sun, ready to be bathed and refreshed ... oh my little ones.
I miss preparing their meals and reading them bed time stories
I miss breaking up 'fights' between the boys over Thomas the tank engine toys I miss hearing Mommy, mommy over and over again.
I miss my babies more then I could imagine and don't understand how any true parent would abuse the lives they bring into the world. Mistreat them and give them away. I don't understand how a woman could allow a child to develop in her womb close to her heart and then let the cares of this world treat that precious gift with little to no regard. With my children away I have a new resolve to be a better mother.
I vow to be more patient and understanding, gentle and caring. I promise to take out time to read that story two times if they ask me to. I miss my children and because of their absence I think I'm going to be a better mother. In their absence I've learned a lot about myself and being the mother of those three is who God made me! I'm counting down the day until my flight out to retrieve my reason for being...
My three little Brown babies... they'll be home soon.
Until next time...