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Monday, October 15, 2012

Mama Is Back at Work!

Hey Y'all,

After 8 1/2 months of unemployment I am excited to announce that I am now employed! God did it again!!! Sometimes what you think is meant for you isn't. God has a much bigger and better plan for your life. Be patient and unwavering in your faith and trust me it will all work out for your good!

That was my facebook status update last week. Today begins my first full week of work and I'm super excited. I truly enjoyed my summer off but I'm so happy that I am back at work and having conversations with adults! I have a lot to learn in a short period of time but I'm confident that I'm going to be an asset to my new company.

Now that I'm back at work I have to keep in mind this list I wrote some time ago about work life balance!

1. Know when to say NO! This goes for work and home... you have to know when enough is too much! You have to be able to tell your boss "no I can't stay late today but I can come in a little earlier tomorrow to finish this project ." No at home can happen when family members are asking you to do things that you just don't want or have time to do. Saying no is big on my list and I think I've pretty much mastered it.

2. Realize your role. My friend and I always use the line "stay in your lane." Sometimes it's difficult at home and work to only do the things that you are responsible for. At home if your job is to take out the trash ... take out the trash. Don't sweep the floor, do the dishes and forget to take out the trash. You have to complete the work that is assigned to your hands. If you stay in your lane you won't be exhausted at the end of the day. This goes for home and work. If your job is to make copies and hand them out... do just that... don't read the copy and point out all the errors to the person who asked you to make the copies. That is their job.... STAY IN YOUR LANE!

3. Take a time out . This is really important to me. Even at work I take about 15 mins outside of my (unpaid) lunch to give myself a break. If you are a stay at home parent you need to do the same thing. When the other parent makes their appearance or when your little one finally takes a nap, you need to give yourself a time out! Take a walk around the block, go to the gym , read a chapter in that novel you started six months ago; do something for YOU. Having time for yourself helps you  take a step back and look at things from a different perspective. It gives you balance.

4. Recognize you can't do it all. Sometimes even the things that are assigned to you can be too much. Recognize that you are human and you can't do it all and you certainly can't be all things to all people. Realize and vocalize your limits and don't feel bad about it.

5. Have fun. The best balance in work/life is enjoying whatever you do. Whether it is working or taking care of your family. Enjoy it and give it your all. Apply items 1-4 and then fun and you have a very good balance in your life. The scale won't always be even but make sure that a portion of fun is always included.

Until next time...

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