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Thursday, December 9, 2010

Email Etiquette

Hey Y'all:

This is totally unrelated to my blog... I love to share information with my peeps.

I just received a work email where the font was tiny and the text went on and on and on. As soon as I opened it I closed it. I wasn't compelled to read it AT ALL.I was so disturbed by this that I went on a quick search for email etiquette and found this great list from I liked so I'm sharing.

32 most important email etiquette tips:

1. Be concise and to the point
2. Answer all questions, and pre-empt further questions
3. Use proper spelling, grammar & punctuation
4. Make it personal
5. Use templates for frequently used responses
6. Answer swiftly
7. Do not attach unnecessary files
8. Use proper structure & layout
9. Do not overuse the high priority option
10. Do not write in CAPITALS
11. Don't leave out the message thread
12. Add disclaimers to your emails
13. Read the email before you send it
14. Do not overuse Reply to All
15. Mailings > use the bcc: field or do a mail merge
16. Take care with abbreviations and emoticons
17. Be careful with formatting
18. Take care with rich text and HTML messages
19. Do not forward chain letters
20. Do not request delivery and read receipts
21. Do not ask to recall a message.
22. Do not copy a message or attachment without permission
23. Do not use email to discuss confidential information
24. Use a meaningful subject
25. Use active instead of passive
26. Avoid using URGENT and IMPORTANT
27. Avoid long sentences
28. Don't send or forward emails containing libelous, defamatory, offensive, racist or obscene remarks
29. Don't forward virus hoaxes and chain letters
30. Keep your language gender neutral
31. Don't reply to spam
32. Use cc: field sparingly

Until next time...

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

25 Days of Christmas

Hey Y'all:

The countdown has begun, I know I'm a little late but the 25 Days of Christmas is here! We are just 2 and a half weeks til Christmas. I don't know about you but I'M NOT READY. I haven't purchased gift one but I will say that I'm excited for the holiday. Last year I started a family tradition of putting up the Christmas tree on my oldest son's birthday! So next week the fun begins.

Although I haven't decorated yet, we are enjoying the holiday season with ABC Family's 25 Days of Christmas! Last night when I got home from work my son was excited to share with me the box that came in the mail. It was Christmas themed and he was confident that the box contained something for him. Sadly (for him) it was a box just for me :-)

ABC Family shared with me their programming for the 25 Days of Christmas so I'll know exactly when to tune in, along with a pretty cool BPA Free cup with a cute candy cane straw.
Do you remember Frosty's Winter Wonderland or Jack Frost? What about Home Alone 1 & 2 and of course the classic Miracle on 34th Street? Well they will all air this year with so many more wonderful shows on ABC Family's 25 Days of Christmas, check out the list here which includes some original programming and great movies. Bake some cookies with the kiddies and get into the holiday spirit.

Until next time...


Friday, December 3, 2010

'Tis The Season... TO GIVE BACK

Hey Y'all:

I know that most of you have already started your holiday shopping (it is just a short few weeks until the big day) I do hope however that you have either set aside some funds or some time to give back!

Here's what I'm talking about... if you head into any store you'll see the Salvation Army folks ringing those bells and if you work in a office I'm almost positive that you'll see a Toys for Tot's box in the lobby. Folks it's the holiday season and there are lots of people out there who are in need. Especially during the financial time that we are in. Some people have had to downsize and Hanukkah, Christmas and even Kwanzaa won't be as plentiful this year.

Here are a few great ways to make someone else smile this holiday season.

  1. Drop a gift(s) into the toys for tots boxes you see in the lobby

  2. Give some money that folds not jingles into the Salvation Army bucket

  3. Check out the following sites if you live in NYC,,

  4. Work with your kids to collect their gently used now ignored toys and donate them to a shelter or children's hospital

  5. Send gifts to our troops!

Please share your ideas on how you plan to give back this holiday season!

Until next time...


Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Wordless Wednesday: Sleep Happens!

Epic Fail... my 2010 "list"

Hey Y'all:

Hope you are enjoying the final days of 2010. I was thinking about where I was this time last year and figured I'd look at that list I created at the beginning of the year. My lofty list of 10 things I planned to accomplish this year... I shared it here and I'm sad to say many of them have gone undone and will carry over into 2011.

Here was my list of 5 business and 5 personal goals:
  1. Blog notoriety. I want to Blow up! Not like KABOOM but you know what I mean, I want to be known in the blogosphere and turn a profit so Mrs. Deveter can really go on a journey!
  2. Become an Associated Content Provider
  3. Get to writing my first children's book
  4. Incorporate my side business (Bee & Bee Creations)
  5. Become a notary (something I've wanted to do for a while)
  6. Get Life Insurance. I did a whole post on it now I really need to get to it. I want my family to be well taken care of if something should happen to me. You know, for the "If's in life."
  7. Take a Mother Daughter vacation with my Mom and Leah.
  8. Go back to Curves! No more excuses
  9. Potty train the twins
  10. Plan my wedding vow renewal.
I completed ONE thing on this list and truth be told I didn't even do it. Item #9 is done, signed, sealed and delivered and my mom did it! She potty trained the twins this summer.

I know a few more people in the blogging world but I'm no further today then I was when I posted this list on 1/4/10. I haven't visited the Associated Content site since I signed up, haven't jotted down a thing for my first book, I can't help a soul with a notary stamp, and if the "if's" in life happened today I would be up a creek without a paddle. My mother daughter trip is still in my thoughts but no chance of that happening within the next 30 days. Curves is no where in my future and the wedding vow renewal has been pushed back 6 years for our 20th wedding anniversary!

I've always been a 'list' person.

I love them... in theory they help me. They make me feel like I've fully thought out my plans and listed them in the order I would like them completed. For as long as I've been creating these lists or set these goals for the year I've always only been able to check off one or two items. Is it me? I mean really why can't I make things happen?
Oh I know... lots of living gets in the way. I may not have completed this 'published' list but I've done so many awesome things this past year that I feel accomplished and poised to succeed!

So what I didn't complete all of these items; they are still top of mind and will happen in time. I'm just going to continue living (and making lists) knowing that one day I'll look back and see that I've accomplished everything I've had in mind.

Until next time...

3 of my favorite lists:
  1. Reasons Why I love Being a Mommy
  2. Reasons Why I love the Internet
  3. Reasons Why I love Being Married

Friday, November 19, 2010

Hey Y'all:

I found this list on one of my favorite sites and thought I would share a little more about me with you! Feel free to re post.


1. What is your greatest fear? Failure

2. Who are your heroes in real life? My mother and husband

3. What is the trait you most deplore in yourself? My inability to lose weight!

4. What is the trait you most deplore in others? Inconsistency

5. What is your greatest extravagance? My biweekly manicure (with three kids and a musician for a husband a $40 ‘hand job’ is an extravagance)

6. What is your greatest regret? Not going to grad school right after college. Not that it’s to late but it’s going to be a struggle to go back now.

7. What do you consider the most overrated virtue? I don’t think any of them are overrated. They are all need to make for a well rounded God focused life. Without chastity you fall into lust, without temperance you fall into gluttony, without charity you lead a life of greed, without diligence you deal with sloth, without patience you are full of wrath, without kindness you have envy and without humility you are doomed to the failure of pride

8. What is your current state of mind? Hopeful

9. What talent would you most like to have? I would love to have musical talent i.e. playing the piano.

10. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? I’d be more patient with myself

11. What do you consider your greatest achievement? my marriage of 14 years

12. On what occasion do you lie? I try not to... but I would if it saved a life

13. What is your most treasured possession? my children. although they aren't possessions they are the most precious things in my life!

14. What is your perfect happiness? having my children, husband and mother in the same room at the same time

15. What do you like most about your appearance? the gap between my front teeth

16. What do you regard as the lowest depth of misery? I've never been there I have no idea

17. What is your most marked characteristic? my silver bracelets, I've been wearing them since I was about a year old and was upset that my mother made me remove them when I got married.

18. What is it that you most dislike? that I'm not making a living doing what I love.

19. What do you value most in your friends? Honesty and patience

20. What is your motto? Life is a Journey Live Fabulously

Share with me.

Until next time...

Thursday, November 18, 2010

The Unwanted.... unplanned vist

Hey Y'all:

Earlier this week one of my blogging mama's posted a tweet alerting us that she was headed to the ER with her little guy due to an injury that required stitches. I told her that she was in my prayers and that I hoped everything worked out well. She told me that she knew I had some experience with ER's since I'm the mommy of boys as well. Little does she know my boys weren't the ones to take me on my first ER visit it was my girl! I actually wrote a blurb about my first visit quite a few months ago and made it short and sweet.

Tuesday started off great... and then we had a major issue. I always
thought my first visit to the ER would be with one of my boys most likely
Myles. Boy was I WRONG. While hanging out at their great grandmother's house
Leah fell and hit the back of her head on the hard cement floor. I was
sitting right there so I know there was no one to blame. She was screaming
in pain, when I picked her up I rubbed her head and kissed her boo boo. I
thought she just bumped it really hard UNTIL... I saw red! Ugh my baby girl
had a gash the size of a thumb nail in the back of her pretty little head in
the middle of a braid. I had to undo the braid to get to the gash and find
out how deep it was. When I realized it would require stitches I freaked
out. Didn't know how to find an urgent care center, couldn't remember who
had the medical cards; I was just a mess. Thankfully my sister in law and
grandmother were there to help me pull it together for Leah's
sake. Long story short after stopping by an ER in the 'hood' that was packed
with people; off to Long Island we went, where my little girl was taken care of.
Three staples, a banana and cute little white teddy bear, a mother's resolve
to forgo the cute little beads in Leah's hair later; we were headed back to
great grandma's where Myles and Erick greeted their sister with hugs and

Now that I am past the excitement of the experience and my little one's head is fully healed with a tiny unnoticeable scar I can share what I really learned from this.

When an accident happens BREATHE. It might seem like a simple thing but breathing is the first thing you stop doing when something goes wrong. Take a deep breath, say a prayer and look the situation in the face head on and deal. When Leah fell, at first I thought there was just going to be a little bump on her head, until I saw the blood. Then I panicked. That doesn't help anyone. I stopped breathing pretty much and couldn't think. My brain wasn't getting enough oxygen or something so I was of no help to my child.

Listen to suggestions. When I called my husband to tell him I was on the way to the hospital he told me where to go first but I was so out of it that I was trying to get to the quickest place not the best place. By doing so I wasted about half an hour. Thankfully my sister in law was driving and I wasn't by myself because truth be told I would have called the darn ambulance if I didn't have some folks with good sense around me. Say yes to help. You cannot do it all. If someone offers to help you sort out the situation accept it. Folks care and come through in the midst of trouble.

When you get to the ER tell them everything you know and be patient. If it's crowded make sure they know you have a bleeding child and they should take you right away. During the exam if the gash is small it's best to just let them stitch it up without trying to numb the area, my daughter screamed for about a minute and then she was fine. If the Dr. had put the long needle in her head to numb the area there would have been a whole lot more screaming. In everything use your best judgment. I haven't had to deal with a broken limb yet (knocking on wood) so I don't know what kind of pain management is administered for that.

Try not to be offended if someone from social services wants to speak to you (unless you are guilty of child abuse!) They are just doing their job and trying to protect your child. Tell them about the situation and thank them for doing their job.

It's hard being a parent and even more difficult when you have to deal with illness and accidents. We mother's however are cut out to have nerves of steel (well sometimes anyway) so grin and bear it for your little one's sake. If they see you freaking out there is no doubt that they will loose it as well.

Until next time...


Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The Battle of the Beds! Round I don't Know...

Hey Y'all:

I'm tired.
I've been sleeping without children in my bed, but getting up to put them back down is wearing me out. We aren't at the end of the fight yet and nowhere near the victory round but for the past five day's I have been very consistent with keeping the twins out of my bed. My hubby has been away a lot lately so I've actually had the pleasure of sleeping in my bed solo! It's been grand.

OK so here is the one confession, although they aren't sleeping with me they are sleeping together in my oldest sons bottom bunk! They just have to have a warm body next to them I guess. I started to take a picture of the mayhem (legs thrown over one another, feet in mouths etc) but figured it might be to much of a visual for y'all.

Tonight the battle continues. Trying to get them in their own beds but if they rather sleep together I won't fight them... after all they have been together for the majority of their lives!

Thankfully my neck is feeling just fine and so is my back for that matter.

Until next time...

Related Posts:

Thursday, November 4, 2010

The Battle of the Beds! Round 1

Hey Y'all:

I've talked about this on a few occasions but today I'm determined, to get my kids out of my bed. I am currently sitting at my desk with a Tiger Balm heat wrap around my neck because my three children insist upon sleeping with my husband and I.

This morning I woke up on the very edge of my queen sized bed with the twins between my husband and I. I'm done! I came to work today and my very smart, talented and efficient Mom friend informed me that I really need to get it together and put them back in the bed. Feeling incompetent with this darn thing on my neck, I agreed wholeheartedly. Beginning tonight I'm going to make them get back into their bed after our midnight or 3 AM trip to the bathroom.

I know that Leah will be the most difficult because she hunts me down in the house. If I'm in the bathroom and she can't find me she runs through the house calling my name "mommy where are you" and when she finally finds you I receive a huge hug and notification "mommy I was wooking all over for you". So the midnight madness is going to wear her out no doubt. She's going to scream and holler but I'm going to keep to my guns and put her back in her bed. Myles is also going to be difficult because he just wants to be close to me. Erick is continuting his pattern from birth (he was always in my bed!). I've tried to make their bedroom and cool experience but I guess I've not done well. They just don't like sleeping in their rooms! No more excuses though it's my goal to set bedtime in order.

Here is how it would work in my ideal world. I don't get home until 8:00 pm so please don't judge me for the times listed by each activity.
  • Bath time - 9:00 p.m.
  • Pajama time - 9:20 p.m.
  • Story time - 9:30 p.m.
  • Drink of water/milk - 9:45 p.m.
  • Potty time - 9:50 p.m.
  • Prayers - 9:55 p.m.
  • SLEEP - 10:00 p.m.
  • Midnight or 3:00 a.m. wake up for potty (this is typically when they end up in my bed)
  • Back to their bed!
Round 1 starts tonight with hubby out of town. Hopefully the 'it takes 7 days to break a habit' thing works for this as well!

Please share your bedtime rules/checklists with me. I need HELP!
Until next time...

Related Posts:
Ode To My Bed
I Keep On Falling....

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Happy Birthday MrsDeveter

Hey Y'all:

Today is my thirtysomething birthday and for some reason I'm elated. I've never been this excited about a birthday since I turned 18! It's not a milestone birthday by far but for some reason I'm looking forward to this new year. I have a feeling that it's really going to be amazing. I have reached so many of my short terms goals and I have huge goals for the coming year but today, today I celebrate my life, health, family, friends and community. Today I participated in the democratic process which so many of my ancestors didn't have the opportunity to do. Today I've bought my children to work with me, which was typically unheard of in years past. Today I celebrate me and I'm so happy about it.

Happy Birthday to me!
Until next time...

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

I AM Wonder Woman....

Well, I am according to my superhero children. Thanks to my husband and my mother my children are REALLY into superhero's specifically the members of the Justice League. During the summer my mother even made the kids capes out of left over curtain material!

Here is the break down. I am Wonder Woman, Hubby is The Green Lantern, Erick is Superman, Leah is Hawk Girl and Myles is Batman. When episodes of the Justice League come on (yes we own every season on DVD) the funniest thing is watching the three of them walk toward the television in slow motion totally in character!
For Halloween - although we don't celebrate - a quarter of the League will be in character for his school parade. I think however that I am reconsidering this and will start the search for my Wonder Woman costume, well at the least I'm going to hook myself up with a cape!

I deserve it right?
I mean I am a full time working mom of three, wife of a talented musician, oldest sister of 9, devoted daughter, friend and mommy blogger just to name a few. I make the bacon, fry it in the pan and serve it on the good plates (ok the blue Ikea plates but they are glass). I want a cape! I've always loved Wonder Woman... she wears the coolest bracelets (as do I), she is always praying to her god for help, (as am I) and she is the only woman in the crew who is totally in control and telling the men what to do (as do I!) So ummmm where do I get my cape?

What are your plans for Halloween?

Until next time...


Monday, October 18, 2010

"I Love My Hair"

Hey Y'all:

Everyday when I walk my Erick to school I am inspired by the intricate hairstyles all the little girls have. I mean their braids are hooked all the way up. Long, short, doesn't matter their hair always looks so nice and well kept. So of course I go home and try to imitate these styles on Leah's beautiful tresses.

Last week I came across this video and knew I had to share it with you. Sesame Street is still the leader in kids entertainment in my opinion and this video should be watched by all little girls who love their hair.

Until next time...
Enjoy your hair!!!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

And the Winner is.....

Hey Y'all:

Thank you so much for reading my post on The Conversation by Hill Harper (who I'm watching right now on CSI:NY.... they were in Coney Island this episode!)

The winners of this giveaway are.... my beautiful twitter friends who supplied me with some pretty pitiful pick up lines

bit3myR33sEs - "Baby ur feet must hurt bc u been walking thru my mind all day"

hialissa - "Girl, you married? You can marry me.mmmmhmmm. you know you want to."

ShanStarr25 - "Girl you so fine I'll drink yo bath water."

Beautiful0105 - "Baby can I have a quarter cause my mother told me to call her when I fall in love"

Ladies these are some pretty sad dang on pick up lines.

Enjoy your book ladies!

Until next time...


Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Adoption Wednesday: 4 Reasons Why You Should Adopt

Hey Y'all:

Here is a short list of why I think adoption is necessary.
  1. You don't have to be perfect to be a perfect parent
  2. There are thousands of kids out there waiting for you. According to the Pew Commission on Children in Foster Care Demographics of Children in Foster Care, In 2009, there were about 123,000 children ready for adoptive families in the nations foster care systems. African American children represented 41% of children in foster care, white children represented 40% and Hispanic children represented 15% in the year 2000.
  3. Children are a blessing from God and will add to your life
  4. Domestic Adoption is needed; charity begins at home
Hope this is additional motivation.

Until next time...

Monday, October 4, 2010

14 Years, 14 Lessons Learned

Hey y'all:

Today I wish my beloved husband a very happy 14th wedding anniversary. Over the past 14 years I've learned some rather useful lessons. Of course I won't share them all but here are 14 for every year of wedded bliss.

  1. Never say never - I said I never wanted children and then I was bit by the baby bug and here were stand the proud parents of three
  2. Over communicate - Saying you told him/her about the party two weeks ago means nothing. Put it on the family calendar, create an event on Google and FaceBook, send a text, tweet or put a put it note on the fridge listing how many days are left until the event.
  3. Pick your battles - If it's not life treating let it go. Do you want the kids clean and feed or is it more important that the bed is spread?
  4. It takes 2 to tango - Intimacy isn't the responsibility of only one person. If you are in the mood get the party started!
  5. Blood IS thicker than water - Although you are happily married into the family remember where you stand. Don't talk about the man's mama and expect life to be easy, sometimes it's better to agree to disagree and keep it moving then argue about things you can't change when their family is involved.
  6. Marriage = COMPROMISE - Doesn't matter what the topic you have to compromise on many issues within a marriage from what's for dinner to where we'll live you both have to come to a conclusion that makes everyone happy.
  7. You can't always be right - "Yes Dear" is a line my brother and sister in law use often. Sometimes you have to say yes dear and move on. You will not be right all the time (I am 99.9% of the time of course!)
  8. Time outs are needed - Sometimes from one another and from the kids. Remember that visiting family does not a vacation make!
  9. Team work - As the Wonder Pets say; What's Gonna Work? Team Work. When you say I Do you become partners for better or worse so work together
  10. Never let them see you sweat - I'm not talking about your spouse but rather your extended family and friends. Nobody should know when you and your spouse are at odds with one another! Keep your issues to yourself or seek professional counseling if you are in need of help. Hearing "well if I were you" doesn't help anyone because they AREN'T you!
  11. What it took to get him/her is the same thing that will help you keep him/her - enough said!
  12. No marriage is perfect
  13. Don't assume
  14. Remember why you said "I Do" in the first place.
These are just a few of the things I've learned in the past 14 years. Everyday I learn something new about my husband and myself.

If you are married I pray your relationship is lead by God and that you communicate your likes, dislikes, wants and needs to your spouse. Marriage is work but it's well worth the effort you are putting in.

If you aren't married please seek God for your mate and remember that you have to be open and honest with yourself about what you want. Check out this post and get a little help from Hill Harper's latest book.

Until next time...

I love you baby!

Friday, October 1, 2010

I'm At Risk, Are You?

Hey Y'all:

October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
I have lost two of my aunts due to the disease and pray for anyone who has also been touched by Breast Cancer. Both my Aunt Ruby and Betty were taken from us much to soon due to the ravages the disease had on their bodies. They were both beautiful, vivacious women who contributed positively to the Bennett family and everyday that I look in the mirror I see their smiles in mine. I miss them more and more each day and honor their lives by making sure I keep mine.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

14 Years and Counting: Communication is Key!

Hey Y'all:

Next Tuesday marks my 14th wedding anniversary! My hubby and I have been together for almost 20 years and Lord knows I'm still in love. The #1 reason why we have been together for so long and are the best of friends is because our lines of communication are always open. We are in constant conversation about any and everything; from world news to our oldest child's latest school project; we talk about it all. During the summer while our children were away with my mom we rekindled some of that conversation and would chat about our future late into the night. I love that man so much and wish that all of my sister friends could be as blessed as I am.

This brings me to the latest book written by Hill Harper (you know that fine Black actor from CSI:NY and classmate of President Obama) THE CONVERSATION is a title written for African American singles and is all about relationships. Hill speaks about the things that need to be done before finding a good relationship; and about the finger pointing that takes place in our community that are untrue and hurtful such as: “There are no good Black men out there” or “All black men are players” or “Black women are negative or too independent” or “Black women are gold diggers.” he says that these staments are general and lump people into categories and have been very destructive."

Hill also speaks about having an honest conversation with yourself. A conversation with self is a major step in figuring out what you want in a mate. You must ask yourself the hard questions and be truthful with your wants, needs and desires.

If you are ready to start the conversation please enter this contest to win a copy of the book.

I’m offerring 4 copies to a random commenter who answers the question “The worst pick up line you've ever heard/used" i.e. what is a fine woman like you doing in a place like this?"

This contest closes Friday 10/8. I can’t wait to see your entries!

Extra Entries:

  • Subscribe to MrsDevetersFabJourney using the FeedBlitz on my homepage

  • Tweet @MrsDeveter with “The worst pick up line I've ever heard/used was (fill in the blank)

Until next time...


Disclosure: I’ve been compensated for my time and efforts to help spread the word about Hill’s book. I think this book topic is one that needs to be had in every community not just African American but because I am a Black woman I agreed to promote this book in hopes that my single friends can gain some insight on what they need to do to meet and marry their God created mate.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Twin Tuesday: Making of the Band

Hey Y'all:

No words today just a glimpse into the fun house.

Until next time...


Monday, September 27, 2010

Extended School Year... Yay or Nah?

Hey Y'all:

Just saw this article title on NewsOne and had to do a post -- President Obama: School year must be extended by month for US students to compete with China, India

I get it and I totally agree but here is my opinion. I think that if there weren't so many breaks during the school year there wouldn't be a need for another month of school. In NYC the children are out of school for Midwinter recess in February and then spring break in April. This after Thanksgiving break in Nov and Winter recess in Dec. both of those I get and totally agree with but the others I don't think are needed. A Monday off here and there should do it. Why do we take week long breaks? On another note how will this additional month be planned? What does this mean for teachers? Will they receive salary increases? Will schools be AC equiped? I think there is a lot to consider before clicking the DONE button. Just my opinion...

What do you think? Answer my homepage poll.

Until next time...

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Open Letter to greeting card buyers: Father's Matter!

Dear Buyer:

I walked into my neighborhood Walgreens yesterday to pick up a quick card for my husbands birthday. I was specifically looking for a card from my babies to their Dad. I walked down the aisle and saw plenty of cards for mom, mommy, grandma, Nana (in English and Spanish) but I was hard pressed to find a card from the kids to their dad.

I was perplexed. You see I live in a neighborhood with home owners and folks with full time jobs. An area where dads drop their kids off at school and pick them up afterward. I live in an area populated with families -- Mommy's, Daddy's and Kids! So why couldn't I find a card for my husband from my children. I walked out of that Walgreens and thought perhaps they were just short stocked, and went to the Walgreens closer to my home.

Monday, September 13, 2010

OGS: Obsessive Grandmother Syndrome

Hey Y'all:

I am extremely blessed and I know it. My mother is the best Nana in the world; as you know she fully potty trained all three of my children, took care of them during the summer and is connected to them like I could never imagine. My mother in law loves her grandchildren with all her heart and will do anything within her power for them. Their great-grandmother loves to see them come and rejoices when they go (they are too busy for her) but thankfully all three of these wonderful women know their boundaries. They know that they are the grandparents and not the parents. They discipline when we are not around and fall back when we are.

Silly Nuggets

Hey Y'all:

What is the #1 fast food restaurant that children automatically recognize?

McDonald's - who could pass by the huge arches and funny looking clown! Not me when I was 2 and certainly not my three little Brown's. On any given out and about day my kiddies will announce that they are hungry, as soon as they pass by our friendly neighborhood Mickey D's. Well no more McNuggets for the three little Brown's not after the article I read last week!

While perusing my daily Black News site; NewsOne I came across an article about McDonald Chicken Nuggets. The headline made my stomach turn! McDonald’s McNuggets Made With ‘Silly Putty’ Chemical. Yes silly putty the stuff we used to play with as kids. It's like rubber but not.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Adoption Wednesday: Alternatives

Hey Y'all:

So everyone isn't cut out to be a parent. Fine. You don't want to adopt and child or even a pet here are some other options to adoption that will help those less fortunate then you and cause you to feel good.

Adopt a Class or a School - People who adopt a class or school provide the additional teaching materials needed in creating the educational foundation some children are missing. Classrooms will be provided with educational materials that range from basic items to wish list items. If you can't find an organization in your area why not start one! I found two online click here and here.

Adopt a Highway - This is perfect for business and services. It helps keep the roads clean and can get you new clients! Why not?

Adopt Wildlife - You can adopt a tiger, sea turtle and even a duck-billed platypus. No, it's not gonna come home with you they are endangered species after all. A Gift to WWF That Helps Where It Matters Most. Show your heart and share your values. Now you can give the special people in your life the pride of knowing they are doing something special for the future.

These are just a few alternatives but the best adoption is to adopt a child. Remember to check out Adoptuskids.

Until next time...

Back to School Business

Hey Y'all:

I took some time today to download the school calendar for the year and I'm a little perturbed. Why I ask do our children start school on a Wednesday and then they are off for Thursday and Friday? Is it me or is that just dumb? Why not just start school the first Monday after Labor Day and Rosh Hashanah?

Any who I think my kid is ready to get back to learning! Just about every morning the past couple of days he's been up at 6 a.m. and has seen me off to work. Of course he asks... "mommy do I go to school today?" I'm really hoping that he's ready for the 1st grade. I have so many mixed emotions about him starting the number grades. I'm excited, scared and relieved all at the same time. I'm confident that he's going to have a great year and I'm praying for a wonderful teacher who will help develop his skills and advance his reading skills. This year I have a few things I'm determined to do. Here's my list (y'all know I love lists right?)

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Twin Tuesday: Where you going mommy?

Hey y'all:

The 3 little Browns have been back home for about two weeks now and boy oh boy have they changed. The twins are fully potty trained (thank you Mommy) and Erick is Superman for sure! The one change I'm not digging is this separation anxiety that Leah is experiencing when it comes to me.

This morning I felt like the worst mommy in history because I had to leave her with huge tears in her eyes! My baby girl cried for a good 15 mins while I prepared myself for work. She did not want me to leave. I'm sure she is going through this because I was away from her for a month but good gravy. How long will this last? She follows me EVERYWHERE , if she's awake and I'm in her eyesight she is by my side! She stayed up late last night to make sure I wasn't going anywhere! Meanwhile the boys could care less!

How do I reassure her that when I leave, I'm coming back?

Until next time...

Monday, August 30, 2010

Time to make a move...

Hey Y'all:

The summer has flown by and I'm gearing up for the final half of this year. There are major changing going on around me and it's time for me to take full advantage of them. I've got a lot of planning and executing to do and I'm seriously praying for daily motivation.

It's so hard assuring yourself that the decisions you are making today are going to positively effect your tomorrow. I'm really trying my best to make sure I'm on the right track and moving in the right direction. Often times you can move but you end up at the wrong destination because you were going in the opposite direction. My approach is to let God lead me and pray for His will to be done.

I hope you are moving in the correct direction for your future.

Until next time...

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Disney Dreamers Academy 2011

Hey Y'all:

It's time for nominations for the Disney Dreamers Academy! As you know I've been invited to attend the Academy over the past couple of years (was snowed in this year). It's truly a wonderful experience with Steve Harvey, Disney and now Essence. Please click here and nominate a H.S. student you know that deserves this opportunity of a lifetime. Only 100 students will be picked so sign someone up today!


The fourth annual Disney's Dreamers Academy with Steve Harvey and Essence magazine is happening at Walt Disney World® Resort March 3rd through 6th, 2011.

Until next time...

This and That

I know I know ... it's been forever. Well the summer is finally winding down and I can write.

Honey what a summer it has been. The children were gone for just about two months so the hubby and I have had the best quality time together. We truly enjoyed ourselves while the children where gone and had an opportunity to rediscover some thangs :-)

Now the three little ones are back and we are dealing with two fully potty trained two year olds and a five year old with his OWN mind.

When my babies left me they were talking but now they are TALKING holding full on conversations and being sassy! On our drive back to NY from NC my mom was repeating something Leah said in the car and this little girl said 'shut up Nana' just as clear as day! I thought for sure my mother was going to pull the car over on I-95 and give baby girl what for but she didn't (phew)! The boys are both super heroes running around the house with home made capes on! It's full on activity right now and I'm trying to get my mind right for back to school! I can't believe that Erick is heading to the first grade. Time truly flies when you are living life.

Well stop by this week I'll be posting ...

Until next time...

Thursday, August 12, 2010

It's So Hard to Say Goodbye...

Today I will attend my second funeral of the week.

Last week two dear friends of mine bid their mother's goodbye.
As I sat in the first funeral service my heart was so grateful because my mom is still with me and yet so heavy as I watched the tears flow from the eyes of my friend. I didn't have a personal relationship with Mrs. Knight so I couldn't mourn for her but I mourn for my friend Patrick and his family.

I was listed on the program to read Mrs. Knight's obituary; to a church full of her family and friends. It was my goal to read her life story with as much enthusiasm and emotion that I could. After the service, burial and tears shed I was taken aback by the response I received regarding the reading. Most of the family members (even the eulogist) thanked me for making them feel their mom/aunt/grandma/sister's presence in the room. I guess my job was well done.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Alicia Keys vs. Fantasia Barrino

Hey Y'all:

I know I haven't posted in a minute but this issue has bought me out of my slump and I need to get it off my chest!

This post isn't a vs. regarding their singing ability but their personal lives; specifically their husband 'stealing' ways. Now let me first say that I don't think anyone can be 'stolen' unless you are taken from your home by force! One woman cannot steal another woman's man; homeboy just left! The other woman may have encouraged his straying but a big old man can't be stolen by a woman. That aside let me ask a question.

Am I the only one that thinks there is a double standard happening here in the case of Alicia Keys/Swiss Beatz and Fantasia Barrino/Antwaun Cook? I mean both of these men were married when dealing with these famous songstress but Fantasia is being made out to be a "Husband Stealing Hoe" while Alicia is seen as having a "secret romance" in my mind this is a double standard in tone and attitude!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Rediscovery is a good thing...

Hey Y'all:

My husband and I have been married for 13 years; without children for the first 8 so we had plenty of time to learn one another and to develop our relationship without distraction. Now that we are the proud parents of three beautiful children; with very limited time together. My beautiful mother was gracious enough to take the children for a good part of this summer giving us the opportunity to rediscover one another. Since my children have been gone I've realized yet again that I truly love this man.

I learned that he still makes my heart beat faster when I know he's coming into my presence
I learned that I am excited to sit and have conversations with him about things big and small.
I learned that he is patient, kind and really rather smart.

Over the past six weeks I was reeducated on why I said "I do" in the first place. He still makes me smile and weak in the knees. His drive is intoxicating and his talent is invigorating I learned that I have a life long friend in this man that I've known well over 15 years.

I wrote this as an exercise a few months back and decided that I want to post it again.

My husband is a God fearing man who loves his family unconditionally; he shows us by his deeds and actions on a daily bases. He is taller then me, strong and well built, his arms are strong enough to lift a heavy load but gentle enough to hug his children's pain away. My husbands voice can be comforting and stern all in the same breath. He is patient and understanding, he is a gentle lover and a passionate father. He is mine and I'm so blessed to have him in my life.

Until next time...

Thursday, July 29, 2010

I miss....

my children! I never knew that I could miss them as much as I do right now. My babies have been in NC with my mother for the bulk of the summer, which was a well deserved break for my husband and I but Lord knows that I didn't realize how much I would miss their little faces.

I miss their voices and foot steps running down the hall

I miss their greetings when I walk in the door

I miss their smell after a long day in the sun, ready to be bathed and refreshed ... oh my little ones.

I miss preparing their meals and reading them bed time stories

I miss breaking up 'fights' between the boys over Thomas the tank engine toys I miss hearing Mommy, mommy over and over again.

I miss my babies more then I could imagine and don't understand how any true parent would abuse the lives they bring into the world. Mistreat them and give them away. I don't understand how a woman could allow a child to develop in her womb close to her heart and then let the cares of this world treat that precious gift with little to no regard. With my children away I have a new resolve to be a better mother.

I vow to be more patient and understanding, gentle and caring. I promise to take out time to read that story two times if they ask me to. I miss my children and because of their absence I think I'm going to be a better mother. In their absence I've learned a lot about myself and being the mother of those three is who God made me! I'm counting down the day until my flight out to retrieve my reason for being...

My three little Brown babies... they'll be home soon.

Until next time...


Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Unlikely Jobs...

Hey Folks:

When I came into the office this morning there were two gentlemen washing our windows both inside and out. I am on the 6th floor of a building in NYC. Being me I of course started a conversation with the guys and learned something new.

Did you know that window washers have to take classes and earn a certificate to become window washers especially those who work on scaffolds? Well they do! Window washing is no easy task but it's a job that somebody has to do it!

This education of course opened a can of worms for me because when I learn something new I have to expand on that education. I got to thinking about all the jobs that are done in NYC alone that we never really think about. That's when I cam across the movie "Up There" this movie is about the men who paint advertisements on buildings. It was really thought provoking so I figured I'd share it with you!

Hope you enjoy the movie.

Until next time...


Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Adoption Wednesday - Vanessa Bennett

Hey Y'all:

Welcome to the latest edition of Adoption Wednesday. Over the next few weeks I'll be featuring a question and answer series with my siblings.

Today you'll be hearing from Vanessa the third child my mother adopted and my first baby sister. Vanessa is the mother of two little boys and is a fabulous dancer. As a young girl she was a member of a Praise Dance group with the rest of my little sisters called "Divine Purpose" she was truly a cut above the rest. When I went to see Alvin Alley perform earlier this year I wished she would have continued dances, she was just that good!

When did you realize that you were adopted and how did it feel knowing that you were?

I realized I was adopted about the age of 7 or 8 yrs old.Truthfully I didn't know how to feel about it.I had a big family & was taken care of & that's all that mattered.

As a mother what is your description of a mother’s love?

In my opinion a mothers love is true devotion,much sacrifice,unselfishness,patience & endless forgiveness.

If you could ask your biological parents one thing what would it be?

I would ask them "Why were they so selfish?". In my case I was left in a hospital with no identification(just abandoned),with strangers to determine my fate/future.Its mind_bottling to me.

Would you ever adopt a child? Why/Why Not?

Of course I would adopt.I feel every child needs love and someone to count on and love them.Just to give someone the opportunity I was granted would be awesome!

If you could grant one wish in the world who would it be to and what would it be?

If I could grant a wish it would be to my MOTHER Marian Bennett,and it would be that for once in her life she didn't have to worry or take care of anyone but herself.Her whole life has been dedicated to her loved ones.I would just make sure she travels and sees everything life really has to offer and what she has to offer the world.I just want to see her satisfy all those personal desires/goals! That would be my ultimate wish!

Thanks Sis for sharing.
Until next time...

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Grandma's Fruit Cake!

Hey Y'all:

It's late July and yes the title to the blog is correct.

As you know I'm a huge fan of A&E and can watch back to back episodes of Intervention and Hoarders. I say that because I think we need an intervention for hoarding an item for my children's great grandmother.

Over the weekend we went to visit her and discovered that she still had a fruit cake in her refrigerator from December! Grandma's rationale is "I paid for it so I'm going to keep it". Apparently said fruit cake was 'gushy' on the inside (it had to much fruit) so she didn't want to eat it. Instead of tossing her $40 Grandma; who is 85 years old and in her right mind (praise God) decided that she is going to keep the fruit cake in the fridge until she gets ready to throw it away (which I don't think will be any time soon!)

Although this is madness I have learned a lesson from this; it's important not to hold on to something just for the sake of your investment. Just because you purchased that chair 25 years ago and it holds sentimental value doesn't mean you should keep it if it now has holes and smells bad. It has outlived it's usefulness and is now just taking up space. The same goes for relationships, don't hold on to someone because of the memories or 'the way we were'. If the person is longer enhancing your life get rid of them! Keep the memories and get rid of the junk!

That fruit cake is taking up space in Grandma's fridge but are you allowing someone who doesn't deserve a place in your heart to take up space there?

Until next time...


Thursday, July 15, 2010

Things to do while the children are gone....

Hey Y'all:

My kiddies are hanging out with Nana for the better part of this summer and although I miss their little faces more then I could ever imagine I'm going to make good use of their time away. Here is my list of 10 things I promise to do while they are gone.

1. Start a new series on The B.O.N.E. Chronicles a blog I host for my hubby's music site. The new series will be all about Musicians Wives!

2. Date night with the hubby. Whether it's in the house or out and about we are going to spend quality time together. I have been following through with this by attending his Tuesday night gigs at Ashford & Simpson's Sugar Bar in NYC. I've been having a ball!

3. Clean/Organize Erick's Room.... This is going to be a rather large project but it has to get done. The bookcase has to be removed (consolidating his books onto my shelf too much drama with those three)

4. Get rid of the paper clutter! I can't take it anymore my desk is a mess...

5. Sleep in at least one Saturday!

6. Have a party! I'm hosting a House party at the end of July with Kleenex product - the new hand towels- I'm really excited.

7. Go out for dinner with the girls. I don't do this often when the kiddies are in town so I'm going to schedule something with my ladies and have a good time.

8. Finish editing my friends book...

9. Plan for the fall! BTS will be here before we know it!

10. Try not to miss them too much.

I hope you have enjoying a wonderful Summer.

Until next time...

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Alternatives to TV

Hey Y'all:

Found this one in my in box and thought it good enough to share!

From written by Kya Fawley

Tap into the power of pretend play Try initiating a make-believe game with your child, suggests Jerome L. Singer, co-director of the Family Television Research and Consultation Center at Yale University. Not only will pretend play give your child ample opportunity to practice using his imagination, says Singer, but research shows that kids who play make-believe tend to be happier than other kids. For example, pretend you're at your child's favorite restaurant. Outfit your child with an apron and help him set up a table and chairs for his stuffed animals. Or, pretend you're going on a picnic. Set out a blanket with a picnic basket and ask your child what kinds of food he would pack.

Homespun place mats You'll be amazed at how quickly your child will choose an art project over the tube when you present him with the choice, Kenworthy says. Try setting up a craft table with glue, markers, construction paper, scissors, beans, and various types of uncooked pasta and dried beans. Your child can create colorful place mats for family members and decorate the borders with the beans and pasta.

Cook up a story. Tell each other stories, suggests Kathy Kenworthy, who teaches preschool at the Broadway Children's School in Oakland, California. Try using kitchen items for inspiration. For example, the pasta you are about to dump into the boiling water can represent scuba divers on a daring mission. Encourage your child to add to the tale or start one of his own. "Telling stories is terrific for children's language development," Kenworthy says. Not only does telling stories help children organize their thoughts and learn new vocabulary, but communicating with you boosts their self-esteem, she explains. Tip: Your child will love hearing about a main character that greatly resembles him.

The chef's assistant. Why should you and your partner do all the work — or have all the fun, as your child may see it? Have your child help you cook. While you don't want your child to use sharp knives or cook over flames, he can do plenty of things to help you get dinner on the table. Ask your child to toss the salad, find ingredients for you, set the table, or husk the corn, suggests Marilyn Segal, dean emeritus at the Family and School Center at Nova Southeastern University in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. "Children feel very grown up when they're given a job to do," she says. To help your older child see a task as fun instead of as a chore, make a game out of it. For example, challenge your child to find ingredients or set the table in less than three minutes.

Experiment cakes. Give your child the opportunity to do some creative cooking of his own, Kenworthy suggests. To start this activity, set out a large mixing bowl and ask your child what he would like to make. Let him pick out the ingredients but encourage him to choose items he's likely to need, such as flour and eggs.

When you're ready to cook the family dinner, place your child's experiment cake in the oven. (Look up what your child intended to make in a cookbook to estimate the temperature and cooking time.) When the experiment cake is done, let your child taste it. The cake might taste horrible, but the activity will teach your child some basic cooking skills and help him feel comfortable in the kitchen. "The process is more important than the product," says Kenworthy.

Nifty napkin holders. If your child likes art projects, sit him at the table with pipe cleaners, beads, and old buttons, Kenworthy suggests. These objects can generate a lot of different creations, including napkin holders. To create napkin holders, string beads or buttons on a pipe cleaner and tie the ends together to form a circle. Encourage your children to string the beads in a pattern, Kenworthy says. Note: Pipe cleaners have sharp ends, so fold the edges over before giving them to your child; remember that large beads and buttons can be a choking hazard for children 4 and under.

Magnificent menus. Tired of sweating over a hot stove only to hear your child declare he doesn't like what you've prepared? Have him help you plan the menu for the week. To save yourself from a diet of Oreos and ice cream, challenge your child to pick nutritious meals. You may want to talk to him about the food pyramid and the benefits of each food group. Warn him about any family members who are allergic to certain foods or refuse to eat them. If your child is too young to write the menu down, suggest that he illustrate it. By the time he's done, dinner should be ready.

Playful pizza. Buy readymade pizza dough and give your child a bowl of tomato sauce to smear on the crust. Then let him decorate it with pieces of grated cheese, pepperoni, olives, slices of tomato and pepper, and anything else you'd like on the pizza. After you've cooked the pizza, point out how the ingredients look different (mushrooms shrink, cheese melts, colors deepen) after they've been cooked.

Bubble delight. Creating bubbles is a great learning activity for kids. Set up a basin of water with a little dish soap, Kenworthy suggests. Drinking straws, rubber bands, and strawberry baskets can all be used to blow bubbles. Your child can experiment by using the different objects to create bubbles of different sizes. Be warned that while your child is mastering the art of bubble creation, you may end up with a lot of water on the floor.

Kitchen science. Your kitchen is full of ingredients that your child can use to learn basic scientific principles. For example, try this experiment: All you need is a celery stalk that still has leaves, water, and a few drops of food dye. Have your child put the celery stalk in a cup of colored water and ask what he thinks will happen. In about three hours the plant will absorb the water and the stalk and leaves will change color.

Or, give your child a large magnet and let him search the kitchen for objects he thinks will stick to the magnet. He'll notice that the magnet sticks only to certain items, which will give you a chance to explain how magnets work. (Magnets are attracted to other items with magnetic properties such as things made of iron or steel.)

Turn the TV off and "get to gettin" (said in a very Niecy Nash voice)

Until next time...

Thursday, July 8, 2010

When it's all said and done.

Hey Y'all:

With all the hype surrounding what team LeBron James will join I came across an article about Ex-Celtic player Ray Williams. Mr. Williams was a 10th overall pick in the 1977 NBA Draft by the NY Knick's, after playing for six different teams he retired in 1987 and is now homeless.

I share this with you because when it's all said and done will the LeBron James' of this current generation find themselves in the same shoes as Mr. Williams? With multimillion dollar basketball contracts, basketball wives wearing rings that could feed a small country for years to come and product endorsements up the yin yang is it possible that these young men will become broke and broken?

Will they have viable educations to fall back on and post basketeball careers that will soar like Magic Johnson and Michael Jordan after they retire or will they; like Ray Williams be bankrupt asking for financial assistance from the Legends Foundation? What I ask will be their fate?

I pray that all of these ballers and shot callers are preparing themselves for their future you know... for when it's all said and done. I hope they are investing their millions wisely and not just spending it all on material items that will quickly perrish. I hope they are contributing to foundations that have been impactful upon their lives and I certainly hope they are setting up legetimate trust funds for their childrens children!

If nothing else reading of Mr. Williams unforturnate turn of events it helped confirm for me that no matter how good you may be at some point it's all going to be "said and done" and you must be prepared for that. Live each day as if it's your last in how you treat people, although tomorrow is not promised you should keep your furture front of mind. Always be prepared for the if's in life!

Until next time...

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Adoption Wednesday: My Baby Sister

Hey Y'all:

For this edition of Adoption Wednesday I'd like to share a brief question and answer I had with my baby sister Tawana Bennett. Tawana is the 8th child adopted into our family. She is a beautiful young woman who is weeks away from welcoming her first child into the world. Her life's dream is to become a nurse.

Our mother was very open with them regarding there adoption and their biological parents. She always let them know who they were and told them that they could have a relationship with their family if they chose to do so.

Hey Little Sis thanks so much for agreeing to this interview with me. As you know I am an advocate for adoption. It’s because of the eight of you guys that I am so passionate about domestic adoption. I want to ask you a few questions and you can be as candid as you like.

When did you realize that you were adopted and how did it feel knowing that you were?
I don't think it was a certain age when I knew. I have always known for as far back as I can remember. I felt happy that I had the family that I did and realized that was the best decision my biological mother could have made.

Now that you are going to be a mother what is your description of a mother’s love?
Unconditional no matter what.

If you could ask your biological parents one thing what would it be?
I would ask them why after all these years you still cant get yourself together and how can you know you have kids and not care enough to do better.

Would you ever adopt a child? Why/Why Not?
Yes I would adopt because a lot of kids come from terrible situations and they deserve a chance to have love and a good home.

If you could grant one wish in the world who would it be to and what would it be?
If I could grant one wish it would be to God and I would ask him to make my (adoptive) mother happy everyday for the rest of her life because she's done a great job as a mother and has made a lot of people happy in her life.

There you have it... stop by next time when another one of my siblings will answer the same questions.

Until next time...

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Elimination Communication

Hey Y'all:

The truth is that you do learn something new everyday! I am the proud mommy of three, oldest of nine and have loved kids for as long as I can remember but I have never ever heard of Elimination Communication. By the title alone I can tell you upfront that you are about to learn something new today thanks to MrsDeveter.

A couple of nights ago I was one among a standing room only Tribeca Film Center; New York Women in Film & Television screening. A co-worker of mines happened to be in a documentary titled Latching On: The Politics of Breastfeeding in America which was an awesome film by Katja Esson. It gave insightful information on breastfeeding and the social and cultural forces that helped replace mother's milk with formula produced by a billion dollar industry. Latching On was really eye opening and educational.

The first movie however that was shown was titled My Toxic Baby by Min Sook Lee. My Toxic Baby was a 46 minute documentary by a new mother who discovered that baby bottles include a chemical byproduct linked to impaired health and serious diseases, this discovery lead her on a journey that exposes the hidden dangers lurking in infant bath soaps, diaper rash creams, teething toys and many other products for children. Within this documentary were women who practice green living and most importantly (to the post anyway)

Elimination Communication
Is a toilet training practice in which a caregiver uses timing, signals, cues, and intuition to address an infant's need to eliminate waste. Caregivers try to recognize and respond to babies' bodily needs and enable them to urinate and defecate in an appropriate place (e.g. a potty). Caregivers either use diapers as a back-up in case of misses, avoid the use of of them altogether, or do a mixture of the two. EC emphasizes communication between the caregiver and child, helping them both become more attuned to the child's innate rhythms and control of urination and defecation. The practice can be done full time, part time, or just occasionally. The term "elimination communication" was inspired by traditional practices of diaper-less baby care in less industrialized countries and hunter-gatherer cultrues. Some practitioners of EC begin soon after birth, although it can be started with babies of any age.
I have NEVER heard of this. Now y'all know that I've been talking abut potty training the twins for months now (actually going to happen this month as they are heading down to Nana for the ultimate crash course!) but had I known about EC I would have been well ahead of the curve with some money in my pocket!!! While watching My Toxic Baby there were women who gathered together to talk about their decision to use EC which I think is the coolest thing. When this description says babies that's exactly what it means... little tiny infants are potty trained. The parents watch their children and know when they need to go! Can you imagine? It seems to me that this can only work if you are a stay at home parent or if your child is with a nanny or someone who is watching them like a hawk. I can't even figure out how to train the twins much less watch them long enough to know what they do when they have to go (except for Leah she is very vocal when she has to 'go') EC is really amazing to me and if I had known about it I think I would have tried it out.

Check out this clip

Until next time...