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Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Black History Month 2010 Cool Campaigns

Hey Y'all:

We are three weeks into the shortest month of the year, which also happens to be the month that we celebrate Black History month. I've been browsing the web trying to find cool Black History Month campaigns that I could get into and I've found a few that I would like to share.

Nordstrom is celebrating Black History Month with a compilation CD of Big Band Legends with greats such as Duke Ellington, Louis Armstrong, Count Basie, Billie Holiday, Dizzy Gillespie and Ella Fitzgerald. The CD $18.95 and all after-cost proceeds from CD's sold February 1-December 31, 2010 will benefit Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater.

Verizon has a very cool program running with BlackPlanet titled The State Of Black - a collection of views and ideas that identify African-American culture. The program hosts a webisode series that showcases individuals and stories to help examine our remarkable journey.Please check it out and view the video of my hubby Jazz musician Stix BONES

Target always has a fabulous Black History Month campaign and this year is no different. Just as in years past their theme is Dare. Dream. Do. for 2010 they are highlighting "four extraordinary people who Dare, Dream, and Do every day" Malaak Comptoin - Rock - Founder & Director of The Angel Rock Project, Steve Stoute - Author Co-Founder/CEO, Translation Marketing, Marcus Samuelsson - Chef and Cookbook Author and Marc Morial - President and CEO National Urban League

Yahoo! Events has a pretty nice program going on that highlights the achievements of Blacks from Slavery-Abolition to Recent History makers, which showcases people like Cartoonist Aaron McGruder is the creator of "The Boondocks," Respected actor, producer, and activist Don Cheadle and Dr. Michael Eric Dyson has come a long way since his days as a teen father on welfare; just to name a few.

BlackVoices has a robust program this year as usual. sponsored again by Target. I specifically like the Black History 365 section that is up year round celebrating African Americans

Take a look at these great campaigns when you have some time and celebrate Black History Month with your family and friends.

Until next time...

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